Popcorning and rumblestrutting.

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Halifax, West Yorkshire
Do anyone else's pigs do this? Sometimes my dominant boar will popcorn mid-rumble.


Is he just feeling chuffed that he's in control? Lol. :^-
Yes, Sir David does this. Its almost like he's going ha ha I'm the boss to Columbo. Columbo just looks up as if to say 'what is the idiot doing now' :))
i get the odd rumble from jake usual when oliver is being a pain :)p & in his spot in the bedroom :)p plus since oliver broke the door off he's had a rumble pop corn nearly jump on oliver's head quite a bit

i just keep gettin the look where is my new bedroom :( my answer is i'm working on it got to wait for a call to say its in
have never seen any of the girls do this, have 3 of them, but Percy was doing this in between running around in the grass today!
pulling this post back up as i noticed one of my sows doing this yesterday she was rumblering and hip swaggering round my other sow she would then popcorn and then shake her head! whats that all about! she did it several times over the course of a day, i must say she has been a right madam over the last 48 hours for chasing and trying it on with my other sow (who is guilty of being a pain for doing the same at times when she is in season although not the head shaking) i think her PMT is reaching a peak to say the least she also puffs herself up almost like she puts her hackels up! at what age do sows normally hormonally settle down or do they never? I'm guessing as its eased off today she was in season? there seems to be about a week between the two of them thank goodness its not both at the same time or i dont know were we would be! these two have never shared the same house or snuggled or groomed each other that i have seen they are roughly 5-6mths old when they are out in the hutch they pretty much avoid each other do you think they dont like each other and are just tolerating? is there anything i can do to help them be better freinds? I'm not entirely sure which sow is top sow so cant realy re enforce whos in charge by feeding veggies and moving from c&c to hutch first to help avoid any squabbling.... any tips on knowing who the boss is or can you have sows that are evenly matched that never realy come to the conclusion whos in charge? i have read the sows and dominance thread several times but I'm just not sure, they are a difficult pair! Thanks in advance! :)
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