Popcorning and other young boar behaviour

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 12, 2011
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Hi all =)

Lune and Six came to live with me Wednesday... I haven't had guinea pigs this young before (around six weeks) and I wasn't sure what popcorning was when I read it in the forums but I've just seen a clip on youtube and I'm SOO relieved! Lune and Six have been running around super fast and popcorning, I thought it was because they were wound up with each other! Thank goodness it is normal :)

They seem to be settling in well, both seem to be pretty bold, they seem to prefer being out in the open in their cage rather than hiding ... they've been running around playing all day!

But, they both rumble when they hear my OH singing(!) or we or the tv make a high pitched noise or the phone rings... And Six rumbles when Lune comes near him when he's in his hidey house ... Six also does a sneeze/puff thing, every now and again which I read on the sticky is when they're seriously miffed :( but they're not fighting (that I've seen!) but they do chase each other and strut. Is this all normal for boars this age?
Oh how wonderful you have such happy little boys. To popcorn they are full of live and happiness. :) They will take time to get used to the noises that scare them now. My Amina is scared when I sneeze. From all you have said they sound very normal and healthy.
They sound well settled; with a little dominance mixed in - which is all very normal. You always need a top and an underpiggy as soon as you get two! (just in case you were wondering at the rumbling at each other).

A short, sharp rumble is a kind of "stop that! I hat it" whereas a dominance rumble is more sustained and usually accompanied by stiff legged bum wiggling (which we call rumblestrutting). Then there is purring, which means the same as when you stroke a cat; not all guinea pigs purr when cuddled, though.

Thanks for the replies, it's good to know they're doing ok as I'm new to this, I thought I was super prepared (I had guinea pigs when I was young and did lots of reading up and careful consideration before getting them) but I find myself worrying about every little thing :{ silly I know, but it makes me so glad I found this forum :))

They're a funny pair, Six is the one that rumbles and tries to push his house around, but he hides when I put my hand in the cage and it is Lune that comes to get the veg from my hand! We'll see how they grow up =)
It is nice you are concerned as it shows you care about them. I worry about my babies too. We are good mums. :)
They sound very happy. :)
Rocket rumbles at me when my watch beeps! :))
When I put bumble and Plop in together in the run, Plop is constantly mounting Bumble. Its funny to watch. At first Bumble does retalliate, but then he just sits and takes it. I'm not sure who is going to be the dominent one out of the 2 though, Plop is about 10 weeks old now and Bumble is nearly 8 months.
Bumble and Plop are wonderful names! :))
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