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Poorly Piggy & now strange poops!


New Born Pup
Jul 16, 2020
Reaction score
Cambridgshire, UK
Hi Everyone, I am new here, and a new Guinea pig mum (Got them last October at 12 weeks old, they are the first I have ever had!)

We have had quite a week with one of our boys, he has been weeing pink for a week and yesterday it looked like it was just blood. Today is his 6th day of 7 days of antibiotics, 2 days ago we were told to up his pain meds as we had seen no improvement. He's had an xray that showed nothing so they are treating it as cystitis. Today he has been doing mostly clear wee's (some have been a bit white/sludgy) So I am hoping he is starting to get over it... however... I have noticed his poo's look very strange. I have googled them and found nothing that look similar. I have attached a link to the 2 pics to show you because I really don't know if this is something to be concerned about! (sorry I couldn't get the images to embed into the message!)

Do Guinea pigs pee and poop from the same place? I think he's worse when popping than when just having a wee, but only noticed that yesterday and again, I don't know if that's of any significance?

Piggy poop 1
Piggy Poop 2
Hello AbigailH I’m not very experienced with guinea pigs either but I know that guinea pigs poos are two days behind so maybe it’s to do with upping his meds ? There are very experienced owners here especially wiebke and hopefully they‘ll be in touch with you soon . Keep strong and keep weighing him 🥰
Thank you for your replies folks, gosh this is the first I have heard about weighing him! I feel terrible - not even the vets mentioned this!
I have seen him eating his food though... I will keep a watchful eye on him - perhaps it is his medication
Weekly weigh ins should be part of their lifelong health monitoring. If they don't eat enough hay then they will lose weight simply because veg and pellets make up so little of their diet they won't affect weight. Weigh him daily at the same time for now. Hope he does start improving soon.