Hi looking for some advice after what has been a terrible week. Last Wednesday we noticed one of our girls bloated. We quickly took her to our local vet who prescribed emeprid and the bloat slowly subsided. By Saturday we were noticing some strange behaviour and she was obviously in pain. Pressing herself into the corner and chewing the bars. We took her back to the vet on Sunday who prescribed pain med and tried to send her home saying she was brighter. Much to our dismay she clearly wasn't right so she stayed in the vets Sunday and we got a referral to an exotic vet Monday. We just got her home tonight and whilst the exotic vet said it was touch and go that she was looking a lot brighter. She had a seizure whilst in care and whilst she doesn't seem in pain she has taken herself of to a corner and isn't interested in much right now. Should I just be grateful she seems comfortable and how long before I worry. Its she likely out of sorts due to being away? Her companion seems happy to see her but she isn't bothered. Worried.