Poorly bunny 😕


Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 15, 2017
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She's not a piggy so I've posted here, hope that's right.

My house bunny Miley isn't well. She has a long history of dental disease, has had a kidney removed, the works.

She's now developed a tooth root abscess which has broken through her jaw ☹️

She's on injectable penicillin as well as gut stimulants. She's on a high dose of metacam long term anyway.

There's not really any change - she's still eating very very little by herself and verty little poo, obviously. We're syringe feeding her with critical care and pro c mixed in with a bit of fruit baby food, but only get about 20ml max in at a time.

She's really quite miserable. The vet wants to see her Monday if there's no improvement.

I'm thinking of asking for another pain relief, but buprenorphine will make her drowsy and tramadol can slow the gut.

I'm wondering about asking for zithromax if the penicillin isn't working, but that can upset rabbit's tummies.

Surgery is an option but it's a big op (the abscess is on both sides of her jaw, inside and outside) and I don't know if I can't put her through it...

I have posted this on a rabbit forum but haven't had much of a response. I know she's not a piggy but you guys understand what it's like when your furbaby is poorly 😞

Oh, I'm sorry to her she's not well. I have no knowledge of rabbits unfortunately, but I'll keep you both in my thoughts. ❤
Thank you @ScrufflesRules, that means a lot. She's my baby, I've had her since she was three weeks old and she's just turned seven. She's been my constant companion and friend in that time and I hate to see her unwell and unhappy 😞
Poor little bunny, sending healing vibes 💓

Can bunnies have penicillin? I'm pretty sure guineas shouldn't. Maybe try gabapentin instead of tramadol as an additional pain relief.
You're absolutely right @Qualcast&Flymo guineas shouldn't have penicillin. Rabbits shouldn't be given it orally as it destroys the gut bacteria, but is safe if injected sub cut.
Luckily my sister is a student vet nurse in her final year so does the injections for me as I can't stand needles!

Gabapentin is a good idea, I will ask about that. I think she's had it before 🤔
Oh no, I am sorry bunny is feeling quite unwell. I cannot comment on medication but send hugs and healing vibes. I love her photo - she looks very cute. Fingers crossed for a positive outcome. x
Thank you @munchmonster, honestly she's so beautiful I just look at her and melt 😍
She's got me wrapped around her little paw. It's a good job because she's got to be the most expensive bunny ever! 😅
I’m so sorry to hear Miley is unwell. Sending her healing vibes.

I had one of my rabbits was on a course of injected penicillin when she contracted syphillis (through her birth)
Hi, I would definitely ask your vet about zithromax as it can be very successful in treating abscesses in rabbits. Yes, it can be a bit harsh on the guts, as with piggies this will affect some rabbits more than others but as your bun is already on probiotics and gut motility drugs that should be OK. I don't think it can be given while on penicillin tho.
I hope Miley starts to improve soon
My piggy had Zithromax for a tooth root abscess. He completely stopped eating for the 6 weeks he was on it. But it worked a treat. The abscess was marsupialised too. Good luck. I hope it clears up soon.
So sorry that Mikey is unwell.
That abscess sounds nasty.
Hope the vet can give you the right treatment and meds to make it Bett.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
Thank you everyone! I will definitely ask about the zithromax then if the penicillin doesn't work. I hope it does though, it's much less of a worry gut wise. Although she's not really eating anything by herself anyway as if is do it should be worth a go!
Well the abscess seems to be shrinking, at least on the outside of her jaw which is great!
She kicked off a bit at syringe feeding time this morning so only got about 10mls.
I leave her with a veritable buffet at all times. Last night she ate a small piece of celery and a few coriander leaves.
Better than nothing I suppose!
I do hope that Miley is feeling better soon. I agree with the others that have suggested Gabapentin for pain relief. Also, it works differently to Metacam so both can be taken as the same time. ❤️
Miley seems a bit better today! The abscess has shrunk a little bit more and she has starting actively picking food up and eating for herself!
She's had some celery, kale, nuggets, marigold petals and some coriander.
She seems much brighter too and came to greet me when I got home from work this afternoon!
I'm so glad and grateful that she seems better 😍☺️❤️
I’m so pleased to hear she’s feeling better. It’s always a relief when they greet you when you come home.