Poor Twinkle!

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

Poor Twinkle I think he is missing Sunshine. I've changed my set up as Pudsey and Ecces just didn't like the C&C they were never active and just sat there doing nothing for weeks. So my Aunt gave me her cage (she now has a C&C for her 2 pigs Maisey and Daisy) and I put Pudsey and Eccles in the Cage (4x2 or there abouts) and because Sunshine was constant teeth chattering at Twinkle and wasn't happy I've moved him into the C&C where he is happy and popcorning now! Pudsey and Eccles are next to Twinkle and yesterday Twinkle looked so sad although he was eating her hardly touched his hay.

I've just gone a checked on him and all his hay has gone and he seems brighter but he adored Sunshine it was just when both of them tried to be dominant they fell out. And I tried them on Monday night with the rebonding and Twinkle went straight to Sunshine (not agressively) but Sunshine turned aroud and bit Twinkle's back :o and drew blood which I have cleaned up and bathed.

So the sooner I can get him a pal the better I think. Pudsey is interested in him but of course I wouldn't upset the balance with Eccles as Eccles and Pudsey get on very well.

Just feel very sad for Twinkle. :'(

Oh poor Twinkle :( I'm gonna find it hard to rebond 2 of my boars cause i kept them apart for longer than i had thought :o ooops

Hope they are both gonna be ok together once you do rebond them :smitten: Theres nothing like keeping them together if they've been together for quite a while
Aw - what a wee shame for Twinkle! I'm so glad I've just got my 2 girls - who get on really well! I had wanted boys when I first started looking into getting guinea pigs but it all sounded a bit complicated for my first piggies. Hope they re-bond or you manage to get him a little friend!
Well Sunshine will be going with Radley they seem to get on and Twinkle will find a friend. It's never going to happen with Sunshine and Twinkle with blood being drawn the other night. ::) :)
It's awful when they can't get on, we were heartbroken when Blaze and Scamy fell out, poor Blaze just sat there making dough eyes at Scampy wondering what he had done wrong! (Scamp had just turned on him, probably down to hormones).

Hope you have luck with Sunshine and Radley :)
Or poor Twinkle he is soooooo gorgeous such a shame Sunshine cant live with him.

My girls send Twinkle lots of piggy :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* they would love him to come live with them :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Aww thanks Julie and Lindsay! He is fine today eating lots. :)
Poor Twinkle :'( :'( I know you would of put in earlier posts but how come Sunshie and Twinkle seperated ?
Hi Karen,

They are both dominate Sunshine more so. And when they both hit the teenage stage Twinkle wanted to dominate Sunshine and he wouldn't have it. So they had a fluffball fight. They were in the indoor hutch and the only thing to hand was a water spray gun for misting plants so Peter squirted them and then they stopped so we got Sunshine out and I didn't know what to do with them and then Graham suggested they could live in 2 Nero 3's next to each other and that's what I've been doing. Except Sunshine was never happy and would randomly teeth chatter. Now he is in the C&C he is so happy.

Sunshine just doesn't like Twinkle, he isn't very forgiving. So if I come by a baby boar I could try Twinkle with him but I don't think he will be seeing Sunshine again which is sad but he could live next to Pudsey and Eccles if need be. :)

Ah boys, you have to love 'them!

Touch wood all my current pairs of boars seem ok - some have still got the dodgy teenage bit to come though! There is a single boar in Womble's litter, he's such a cutie.

I tried re-bonding Elvis and Mojo last weekend and it all ended really badly with both of them bleeding - so I won't be trying that again! Might try the littl'un with one of them though, when he's old enough.

Good luck with yours!

Thanks Sophie, will keep you all posted. :) I think once blood is drawn then it shouldn't be tried again. x
Sorry to hear about Sunshine and Twinkle drawing blood :( Hope Twinkle finds a friend soon :)
if sunshine is fixed how about finding him a girlie. a girlie should put sunshine in his place 666) 666) 666) so sorry for twinkle hope things go well with twinkle and radley :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: has radley been through the teenage period? and who is dominent between twinkle and radley? hoping all goes well. :smitten: sending you all hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* and 666) 666) 666) for sunshine(just kidding). :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Hi Mary,

None of my boars are neutered. :) Sunshine and Radley have bonded and live together in harmony. Radley is 5 months old so is just hitting the teenage stage but is submissive to Sunshine so they should be ok, fingers crossed!

Twinkle would probably be dominant between him and Radley. Twinkle was a horror to Sunshine when they were together so I understand why Sunshine is like that with Twinks!

Twinkle is a people's pig. If I come by a babe I will try him, hopefully the little lad that is coming on Sunday (If my cousin doesn't take him, don't know too many details of that yet) I will be able to try them together. :)

awwwww Louise i'm sorry i just read that blood was drawn :'( :'( :'( :'(
Boars ::) ::)
Sounds like you've done the best thing tho love.... even if it's a bit difficult to start off with O0
I hope the new piggie becomes good friends with him then :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks Glynis. This was the second time blood was drawn. First time Twinkle bit Sunshine so it was just some revenge going on. :)
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