Moffee Coffee and Toffee
New Born Pup
My female guinea pig, Toffee, has her two top teeth lose and I'm really worried about her. When I fed them (Moffee, Coffee and Toffee) cucumbers, Toffee would really gently nibble it instead of chomping it up like the others. I've only had her for about 4 months and I've read other people's stories and they had older guinea pigs who had this problem. Is it dangerous for her to have at such young age? She hadn't had any dental problems from what I known of. Her gum it doesn't look super healthy as well. I only found out about the tooth this morning. She can eat the leaves of vegetables though. What can I do about her? I haven't been to the dentist yet. I think she can still eat hay but I haven't seen her eat any yet. Please reply quick. Thanks