New Born Pup
So, one of the fosters I have, Mr. Whiskers, is really really old. He is almost 10, has a number of degenerative bone diseases: arthritis, osteoporosis, ankylosing spondylitis, and has a relatively high dose of meloxicam. He is maybe 850 grams, tiny old man, and on a .3 dose. My biggest worry is that his current cagemate, Pip, is probably on the way out. She's a good girl, maybe 4, but has had several bladder infections recently, all of them weird soil borne bacteria, some of them resistant strains. My guess is she has some kind of immunocompromised bladder issue, pretty sure it is because she had a bad uterine tumor that stuck to her bladder, and the vet couldn't get all the tumorous mass out. I am worried that Mr. Whiskers won't do well if his girlfriend is gone. Well, and I am trying to mentally deal with Pip dying soon. I am worried about the poor old man losing his friend, he lost a friend before, Mrs. Kitty, and spent a few months sleeping in the corner. I don't know that I even have a question, really? I have an old old man, and a younger Pip who has a lot of gross infections, I'm not even sure where I am going to go for now. Poor muffins, I am doing I'm meds for Pip...