Poor Little Runt Pig

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i have a very little piggy of about 7 weeks old who has just been picked on by my piggies quite badly, she was jumped on by Dooley and Wuzzle who are normally the most placid of creatures >:(

Do Piggies naturally attack the weakest one that is in their group? :-\

She was so frightened that she lay on her side, outstretched herself, and went all rigid! i picked her up and felt all tearful and very upset that my piggies would be so mean! she snuggled up under my chin for about 20 minutes and i hope that i made her feel safe!

i have put her in a cage on her own to see if i can bring her along a bit and make sure that she is stronger before returning her to the group... if i can return her to the group... :(

Was this the best thing to do? does she need company from another piggy? if i give her enough attention will she be ok? :-\

i'm going to give her a cuddly toy or something to snuggle with so that she has the wamth of that... oh dear... very upset!
o no
well when she gets better if she downt get along with the other i would get her a friend if she is on her own
sometimes pigs can stay on their own if they get full attention from you and yout not at work all thetime
gd luck with the piggoes
Anz x
Like Anz says, I'd definitely look at getting her a friend eventually. She'll love you, but would appreciate the company of a friendly g-pig more! :smitten:

Have had trouble today myself - my 'runt' piggy Ben (who was tiny when I got him at 9 weeks) has moved out of the group home and is now in solitary confinement...he's no longer a runt...just over 4 months old and is 1.1kg...eek! Maybe your girl will be the same?! Good luck with her, I'm sure she'll be fine!
Sorry to hear this. How old are the other pigs? I think older sows naturally give a new young pig a hard time sometimes and it looks worrying but have they actually hurt her, like has blood been shed? It looks nasty but with mine it has just been a settling down thing and once they've chased the new one around and made a lot of noise, they usually do accept it. Mine were right horrible old bags to Mrs B when she joined them aged 6 weeks but I let things take their course and then they were all friends. Not saying this is always the case though!

Good luck with them, hope the little one is ok

the other piggies are from about 4 months to 15 months ish... had she not have keeled over i think i would have left her in there, but they were unrelenting on her as she lay on her side all frozen up... my partner managed to get her out and handed her to me so i gave her a reassuring cuddle and she snuggled under my chin bless her little heart... when she is a little bigger i think she will be ok...

when she gets scared she seems to drag her back legs along the ground to safety... she only does this when scared and not when she is normally hopping around the cage... poor little one!

i do have one of her sisters and her mother still, but her mother was also picking on her as was her sister who was the biggest of the litter when i took them on.. perhaps a neutered male would be more suitable for her? :-\
awwww umm i dnt no what to suggest are you keeping her in doors with u if not indoors already
yes if she dosnt get along with them again thn i would get her a friend make sure they would get along first get 1 tht is the same size as her was she in with males or female before.
Anz x
They are all indoors (kitchen looks like a menagerie of animals at the moment!) that way i can talk to them a lot when i am at home! :D

I have a large 7ft x 2.5ft pen on the floor split into 2 with 5 girlies in it (they don't get on either!) a large indoor cage with Phil and his son Boris and now a smaller indoor cage (so she feels a bit safer) with just her in it... i've put a soft tea towel in there for her to snuggle with while i am not there... :smitten:

i may try and put her sister back in with her to see how it goes... but will give it a few days first so she can regain her confidence a little bit... :)

Very upset with my piggies though, think they were too mean to her! grr! i do love them dearly, and i know that it is animal nature to pick on the weakest etc, just didnt expect that my piggies were going to be the culprits! :embarassed:
the reason guinea pigs hide their sickness and weaknesses is in the wild the pack would kill them of to prevent predators finding the herd. maube get her checked out by a vet, maybe the other girls know something about her that you don't yet like why does she drag her kegs when scared etc. perhaps get her a teddy to snuggle with. wishing you luck. O0 sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
i think i will do a toy hunt today - she seems fine on her own, she is eating fine etc... have a feeling that the woman who had her mother Caramel before me perhaps didn't know that she was pregnant therefore didnt feed her enough Calcium etc... that could be why her back legs sometimes fail to work... but she does only do that in times of stress...i.e. when with the others or when putting her back into the cage with the other girls...
i hope that once she gets a little bigger and older she can be returned to the group as hopefully she will be stronger... fingers crossed on that one! O0

Last night she did not stop squeaking! i havent thought of a name for her yet... so maybe 'squeaky' would be good! My other half wants to call her 'Gizmo'... lol i dont think that she was squeaking out of stress or upset, i think she just had a lot to say! but if anyone knows any different on that, then of course let me know! its not frantic and really loud.. more like constant and medium volume! :-\

Gave her lots more cuddles last night and she was all snuggled in a cozy blanket, bless her! i will try to post some pictures once i can work out how to get them in a small enough format to get them on here! :-*
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