Poor Caspy


Forum Buddy
Apr 7, 2015
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Bristol, UK

Poor Caspy is doing a good job of looking sorry for himself. He's pulled a nail completely out and has a sore toe. He's sitting beside me on a cushion milking the sympathy and enjoying the carrot top I just picked him from the garden to help the metacam go down.
Ouch... how did he manage that. did it bleed a lot. ex treats for the ill. :clap:

I don't know how he did it David. He gave me a nasty shock he had blood round his neck where he must have scratched himself whilst bleeding so this was the first place I looked for damage before noticing there was a nail in his fur. He ust have only just done it. I bathed the toe with salt water and it soon stopped bleeding. I keep Metacam in for emergencies so gave some straight away which may have helped keep the swelling down. I rang the vets, they said to keep an eye on it, keep up the Metacam for a few days, no need to take him in if all healing okay. It's drying up nicely and he's running around as usual and jumping on top of his house. Another piggie scare to put down to experience!
Bless him, my boy did the same on Christmas Eve and hobbled around holding his front paw up over the holidays and giving me parsley eyes.

It must be so painful for them. I lost a big toe nail once, it was agony and took a year to grow back. Is your boys nail growing back at all? I have seen on the forum they don't always grown back.
It must be so painful for them. I lost a big toe nail once, it was agony and took a year to grow back. Is your boys nail growing back at all? I have seen on the forum they don't always grown back.
Ouch, I don't fancy loosing any of my nails, it took about 3-4 months to start coming through and is only now at normal length. One little bonus is that it isn't curly like it was before the incident.
Ouch! Poor little soul! Give your handsome boy lots of healing vibes from me
Yikes. Poor little guy. Stunning; with that look I bet he's getting more then spoiled. That would have scared me too. Good job reacting quickly!