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Jesse's pigs

Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 31, 2016
Reaction score
Now I’m always going on about observing piggies poos as these are often the best insight into their health- now Steve’s has me baffled.

So two days ago, he had the beginnings of another minor bloat episode (belly sounds like water balloon basically and he starts to sit around) I gave him his doses of emeprid (2 in total) and it cleared up. Now his poos for these last two days have been a bit weird (I gather due to the emeprid perhaps tho he has had emeprid plenty before and I might get the odd weird one but not this consistent).

so the poos r normal colour I’d say a nice dark brown/blacky with some having a lighter brown tint. But some looks drier, some are a little tear drop shaped and others look a bit mucusy and squashed. Then there’s some that look normal. He is acting as I would expect and I’ve done the usual bloat tests and he is fine in terms of that. I’m going to ask at work tomorrow anyway (perks of working at a vets haha) but do u reckon I should just observe for now? I don’t want to unnecessarily give him meds as these often make him worse than he was.

Thank you! :)