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Pooping "blood clots"?


New Born Pup
Jan 9, 2023
Reaction score
This morning, I went to check up on my male guinea pig and noticed he hadn't eaten and food. When I picked him up, I noticed a little blood, but was unable to locate the source of the issue. I feed him some critical feed and checked his cage for blood, which I was unable to find. Assuming that the issue must have just began, I decided to put him back in his cage. When placed in, he wasn't moving around much and didn't eat or drink anything. Later in the day, I decided to give him some more critical feed and noticed what looked like a bloody piece of poo hanging out of him. I slowly pulled it out and noticed that it was not a piece of poo. It was rubbery and, I'm assuming, it was a blood clot. The bleeding hasn't stopped after 6-7 hours and he hasn't showed any further interest in food, water or moving. All vets are closed and I'm worried he won't make it to the morning. He's not making any noises, is limp, and keeps arching his back. He's had bleeding before, but it was very minor and decided by a vet that it was due to a sudden food switch. He's 3, 4 in February, and I want to know if there is anything I can do for pain or to comfort him. Is what he's pooping a blood clot, or could it be something else? Also, should I make any changes to his cage to make it more comfortable to sleep in? We use fleece and made sure to give him new pieces of fleece in case that was the issue.
It should be noted that he is a single guinea pig, which I know isn't ideal, and I checked him and saw no lesions.
This morning, I went to check up on my male guinea pig and noticed he hadn't eaten and food. When I picked him up, I noticed a little blood, but was unable to locate the source of the issue. I feed him some critical feed and checked his cage for blood, which I was unable to find. Assuming that the issue must have just began, I decided to put him back in his cage. When placed in, he wasn't moving around much and didn't eat or drink anything. Later in the day, I decided to give him some more critical feed and noticed what looked like a bloody piece of poo hanging out of him. I slowly pulled it out and noticed that it was not a piece of poo. It was rubbery and, I'm assuming, it was a blood clot. The bleeding hasn't stopped after 6-7 hours and he hasn't showed any further interest in food, water or moving. All vets are closed and I'm worried he won't make it to the morning. He's not making any noises, is limp, and keeps arching his back. He's had bleeding before, but it was very minor and decided by a vet that it was due to a sudden food switch. He's 3, 4 in February, and I want to know if there is anything I can do for pain or to comfort him. Is what he's pooping a blood clot, or could it be something else? Also, should I make any changes to his cage to make it more comfortable to sleep in? We use fleece and made sure to give him new pieces of fleece in case that was the issue.

Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear your piggie isn't well. I'm afraid the only advice I can give you is to see a vet asap and keep on feeding him with the critical care/water. The fact he is hunching his back is an indication he is in pain so if you have any painkiller such as metacam/loxicom/rheumacam, you could give him some of that until you are able to see the vet.

I have no idea what this could be but hopefully someone else on the forum can give you further advice. Please keep us posted on how he is doing. I hope he is OK.
Please see a vet asap. Arching of the back Indicates pain and he could have a bladder stone which could be fatal if it becomes lodged in the urethra. Of course, it could also be something else but he really does need to see a vet
He really does need to be seen by a vet today as an emergency. Any vet should see you same day with these symptoms.
I hope your piggy is ok and can get seen at the vets as soon as possible.
Any vet should have an emergency service for you to contact in these cases which are available 24/7. It does sound like he is in pain 😔
Good luck, I hope your boy is OK!

We noticed Gizmo was sick Sunday morning, but by the time I noticed the blood clot, it was Sunday night and all vets were closed. Knowing he was in pain, I gave him some guinea pig safe pain medicine twice a day and in small quantities. Monday morning, I was calling around and there was only one vet near me that would take him, but the exotic vet wouldn't come in until Tuesday morning. By the end of Tuesday, he had eye boogers and still wasn't moving much, eating, or drinking, but showed the slightest increase in activity and was no longer arching his back or bleeding. I was very optimistic that he was becoming more healthy, so much so that I was already planning to take him outside as soon as he was eating again. Sadly, when I woke up this morning, Gizmo had no reaction to being lightly shaken and was breathing very shallowly. I wrapped him in a towel and held him in my arms until he sadly passed. I'm still in shock about everything and don't think I've fully processed what has happened. It really was awful timing that the exotic vet was out and am just glad that I was able to be there for his last few moments. I'm writing this to remind you to spend more time with your little pigg(y/ies) and to always remember to be thankful and appreciative of your guinea pig's good health, as you never know when it is randomly going to switch up on you the next day, as happened to me. I know that I've always taken care of him the best I could, but am trying not to be filled with regrets of what I could have done. Thanks, again, for all your helpful comments, and I wish you and your pigg(y/ies) well. ❤️
I’m so sorry you have lost Gizmo. Sometimes they do get ill very quickly. Popcorn high over the bridge. Take care ❤️
I’m so sorry you have lost Gizmo. Sometimes they do get ill very quickly. Popcorn high over the bridge. Take care ❤️
Aww, this just brought a smile to my face, remembering all the times he would popcorn around his cage, usually due to excitement from food, lol