Pooing in its bed......

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 4, 2013
Reaction score
Is this normal?

Should i be bothered?

She has been home 24 hrs now. Bf is doing the daily clean out, and told she has poo'd in the corner of her house. It has shredded newspaper in there and its only something my bf made but i would of thought she would of done it in a corner in her cage?

Guinea pigs don't care were they poo, i have to change mines house every other day as they wee and poo were they lay. Never had a piggy do any other lol
They usually poo most where they spend the most time. You should be pleased, she loves her bed!
oh now i feel a lil silly! :red

i thought i read that a guinea pig ususally picks the same spot to keep going back to, and just thought her home was a weird one.


atleast i know its not now ha!
My boys poo indiscriminately - I spot clean several times a day and as a result pick up a lot of poop! My two older boys tend to poo in their hideys as they spend the most time there, but I've found them all over the place - sometimes in their bowl!

Some guinea pigs do tend to poo in the same place - ours normally stick to corners.

Just been updated.

She wee'd and poo'd both in the corner of her bed and not really anywhere else. O well better then it being everywhere haha!
It might be worth using something more absorbent than newspaper in your guinea's bed as she's weeing in there. We use megazorb as a deep base layer as it is really absorbant & then put a good deep layer of hay on top, this is snuggly with the added advantage that it's edible too - at least the bits that haven't been weed on anyway ;).

Is your guinea pig living by herself?
She has shavings or whatever its called on the bottom of her cage, but newspaper in her bed. Ill have a look for something more absorbant at the weekend.

Yes she is living by her self...for the moment....but it is only a temporary thing she will soon have a friend soon enough :)
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