Poo matted near privates

Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
Elizabeth has slightly longer fur around her bottom and privates. She has a very small amount of poo (the softer kind that they eat) matted right near her privates. I’m loathed to get the scissors so close to such a delicate area. Will it come out by itself? Will she clean it herself or do I need to somehow gently cut it out? I’ve never had this problem before
I usually trim the hair but if you feel nervous of that you could try warm water on a flannel/cotton wool pad and sponge it. I would be inclined though to leave it for a day or two and see if she cleans it off herself.
When I trim the hair I get someone else to hold piggy up against their chest to keep him still if he's a wriggler. I have round ended scissors from P at H so piggy can't be accidently jabbed.

Leave it for a day or two, and if it's still there then use a warm, wet flannel to remove it.
Like you I am terrified at the thought of using scissors anywhere delicate on a wriggly pig so I do have a small pair of battery powered pet clippers just in case.
It was never an issue with the guinea pigs but I have used them on occasion on our very fluffy rabbit.
If you have pet hair clippers (like the ones for bloke's hair and beard cutting - although usually a bit quieter!) that can be a valid option because there are no sharp edges. I've just buzzed Louise and her fur 'down below' was claggy with dried wee at the ends but the clipper allow you to get in under that in the manner of a sheep shearer and lift everything off. She's a new pig again today and suddenly rumble-strutted a startled Flora then did a little popcorn at her triumph!
If you have pet hair clippers (like the ones for bloke's hair and beard cutting - although usually a bit quieter!) that can be a valid option because there are no sharp edges. I've just buzzed Louise and her fur 'down below' was claggy with dried wee at the ends but the clipper allow you to get in under that in the manner of a sheep shearer and lift everything off. She's a new pig again today and suddenly rumble-strutted a startled Flora then did a little popcorn at her triumph!
Aw Louise, that made me chuckle 😂 Would a normal man’s beard trimmer work? My husband has one. I don’t think he’d be impressed with me using it on a guinea pig but he wouldn’t have to know 😇
Aw Louise, that made me chuckle 😂 Would a normal man’s beard trimmer work? My husband has one. I don’t think he’d be impressed with me using it on a guinea pig but he wouldn’t have to know 😇
I don’t see why not. During lockdown in used the pet clippers to do the humans hair and it did the same job. Just be careful not to go too close to the skin - most hair clippers have a guard (like a comb on the end) but some beard clippers don’t. If it has a guard I would be tempted..
I should add that I fostered a pair of long haired pigs for the rescue before Christmas. They were long haired, matted and soaked with debris in their trousers - so much so that I actually couldn’t tell if one was a sow as it was mattered over her bits. My clippers were flat and needed a charge so my first emergency coat Care session involved a bit of warm water, cotton wool and a pair of blunt ended dog trimming scissors to gently trim away what I could to free the area. Later that night when the clippers were charged she got a full rear end under cut. And looked much better for it!
Before and After: I should add that Louise is now a hefty 1.4 kilo, Flora (black and white) is 1.28 and old George was 978g at the last weigh in. It takes about 20 minutes to clipper her and tho I do round the bum, I leave her tummy and chest: she sleeps flopped out anywhere because she has her own cushion 💕
Little and Large (and Flora).webp New year, new trim.webp Oh, and I leave her eyebrows and whiskers!
Another vote for clippers from me, if you do find yourself needing to.

We have an old lady mog with long hair and need to keep her "sanitary area" trimmed routinely; scissors near the butt hole was a bridge too far for both of us, but clippers work well. To date, we have had no butt-shaving-related maulings :tu: