Poo Foot


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 9, 2017
Reaction score
West Virginia, United States
So I clean out my pig's cage twice a day and they still have poo on their feet and nails when I take them out. I wipe their feet with a damp towel when I get the chance.

Anyone have the same problems or know how too help?
Yeah mine seem to like to sit in their own poo, I'm not sure if anyone has a solution, i suppose you could try one of those litter cages, depends how old/stubborn your piggies are and whether they'd change their pooing location
Didn't have this problem after I switched to fleece and poo picked twice a day.

What kind of bedding are you using and do you spot clean daily? Maybe you just have piggies who enjoy a nice squelchy foot mask :woot:
Maybe you just have piggies who enjoy a nice squelchy foot mask :woot:

My Meg one morning a while ago, had some hay stuck to her foot that wouldn't just pull off.:hmm::hmm: I don't know what she had stepped in but it was like super glue! :eek: It took about 5 minutes of soaking her foot in warm water to just get the hay off. Then I had to shampoo her foot with pet safe shampoo to get the sticky stuff off of, it.:blink:
Sorry for some reason my laptop is playing up today and I have realised that I the last message was posted 4 times in error! @sport_billy can you sort it out please? Pretty please with icing and a cherry on the top? with a glass of something alcoholic on the side?
Soemtimes poo foot happens, we had a special needs pig who was brain damaged amongst a lot other issues, she used to have bouts of wet poo and soemtimes with all the wil in the world we'd get home and she'd have squished a poo of her foot and it had dried. We had a tried and trusted method of a bowl with the tiniest amount of warm water in with a small amount of gorgeous Guinea Shampoo - just so it would cover the foot, we'd hold the 'meggy moo' in there for a sort while to soften the poo and carefully work it free, very gently.
Sorry for some reason my laptop is playing up today and I have realised that I the last message was posted 4 times in error! @sport_billy can you sort it out please? Pretty please with icing and a cherry on the top? with a glass of something alcoholic on the side?

:)) x
Thanks Lee! If you go to a Meet that I'm at I'll buy you a drink! I got the first round in Reading yesterday:beer:
The only time mine have "poo shoes" is when someone has soft poops - from too much veg, too much grass or some other illness. By withholding veg and encouraging them to eat more hay this usually firms up the poos. What is the consistency of their poos and what is the main part of their diet?