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poo bum

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My guinea pig Carl has recently developed a pooey crusty bum! I know this sounds gross but I was just wondering if this is going to need a visit to the vet? There's not loads, it's just a bit round his bum hole (bleugh)
The other pig, Lenny, has a really clean bum. So I don't know if it's an infection or something?
Please help. x
welcome to the forums from me and the girls in oz, hoping carl gets a clean bottom soon. this is so disgusting, i only had my tea a few hours ago was running late, and i am guess you in the UK will be having lunch soon. i know zoe gets a dirty bot bot sometimes, hoping carl gets better soon. guess you are a simpson fan with carl and lenny? sending hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
he my have been docking his bum on the floor since he is male, if he has funny poops in the box it my be something more serious, that is if they are very runny! If it goes away in a few days I would not worry. I would clean him, and see if it re-occurs and if so, how fast.
He DOES dock his bum! (if that's rubbing his arse on the floor?) what does this mean? and why does he do it?
his poos are normal i think.. it's just his bum really. just, crusty. We tried to clean him but was very hard to get to.. he didn't really enjoy it lol. any advice on how to do this successfully?
thanks for your advice xx
Its just normal male behavior, marking their sent, they do it more when with females or can smell them. Yes it is rubbing his bottom on the floor. Glad thats all it is!
Is it safe to use swarfega for this ? is this related to the grease gland ? one of my piggies has a dirty bum, we gave him a bath with piggy shampoo and wash it out but it's not easy. it's more like matted hair than anything else. he's only about a year old and is kept nice and clean, he's an abby type so not too hairy :smitten:

any tips welcome ! thanks
boo said:
Is it safe to use swarfega for this ? is this related to the grease gland ? one of my piggies has a dirty bum, we gave him a bath with piggy shampoo and wash it out but it's not easy. it's more like matted hair than anything else. he's only about a year old and is kept nice and clean, he's an abby type so not too hairy :smitten:

any tips welcome ! thanks

Swarfega is fine to use on a boars grease gland, this is where a tail would be on his rump & the hair does look matted. Dirty grease glands are not related to impaction.
Impaction is when the muscles of the anus become slackened & the boar cannot pass the soft pellets that they eat. These collect in a smelly mass inside the anus & need gentle manipulation to ease out. :)
the grease gland is on the base of where the 'tail' would be on the base of the back well away from where the bottom is
sometimes you do get some residual around the bottom/anus area either keep the area clean or just monitor and if buildup too much ask your vet
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