Pole cats and Stoats

Guinea Slave

Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 27, 2010
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We have seen a big increase in stoats and I am sure I saw a pole cat earlier (we know there are some in the area).

I am very worried about the guineas! They are kept in a very solid shed which has a concrete floor and brickwork around the bottom. There is no way they can get in in that respect. However, when it is warm I leave their door open. My husband has added a very solid door with solid metal mesh (the sort which is rat proof and this has two layers) the door is tight and bolted. but can a pole cat chew through it? I know badgers can chew through any metal but I am not sure about pole cats. The shed is very close to the house so I am hoping this will deter them too!

it’s too warm to keep the door shut all day so I am really worried….however our rat problem has gone away !
can anyone put my mind at rest!?
I think this article is quite fascinating, on the second to last page it mentions something about keeping them away from the likes of chickens which may help you set up your defences.

It seems that the likes of stoats are very able to climb, so only thing I would suggest is making sure your door acts as a barrier rather than a climbing frame, as you mentioned it had wire on it/was made from.
I had actually never heard of a polecat until now, but unfortunately I have read they are quite dangerous from small animals to the likes of cats. Not much help practically or for your worries but I thought i’d share my two cents.

If I was in your position I would continue as you are, and worst case scenario and you are noticing more visits to your garden/area, you can take the piggies inside if needed.
Fingers crossed you can keep the rascals out, although it sounds like you’ve got it sorted already x
How to Get Rid of Stoats, Weasels, and Minks?
If your mesh is galvanised squares and not chicken wire it is highly unlikely they would chew through it. The main risk to pets is where they can find small gaps to squeeze through into enclosures. They are also very cautious of people so won't want to be hanging around where they can be seen for long. It sounds like you have made your shed very secure.
Thank you so much! You are correct, they are small galvanised squares and double fixed. No gaps! Much appreciate your reassurance.

whilst they don’t like us around, one of the stoats actually killed a rabbit within 6 feet of me the other day when I came back from a run, I couldn’t believe it (it was horrific to see and hear) but at least it’s nature controlling nature. They say living in the countryside is relaxing 😱