Polar bear Knut

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2007
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What do you think about the story of the polar bear cub, I think it is so sad, and there must be away of intergrating this little fellow in to the wild or a reseve in the wild, they do it with rescued dancing bears well thats what WSPA says so why not this little guy,

But i don't think he should be put to sleep, its so difficult to know what is best.

so lets talk what do you think?
But Knut belongs to the Berlin Zoo, and their veterinarian Andre Schuele, charged with caring for him, disagrees.

"These criticisms make me angry, but you can't take them so seriously,'' Mr Schuele said. "Polar bears live alone in the wild; I see no logical reason why this bear should be killed.''

Mr Schuele also argued that given the increased rarity of polar bears in the wild, it makes sense to keep them alive in captivity so that they can be bred.

This is what the vet of the zoo where Knut is said and I agree, I think it would be tragic to kill him - personally
a polar bear in captivity has given birth and rejected both of her young, one died and one survived and some people are saying the baby bear should be put to sleep due to him being bought up by humans and in a artificial environment,

people are strange, if this animal had been a big cat or elephant they would all be saying keep it alive, i don't understand why there is a difference in the breed of animal involved, both are in short supplie so to speak
They cant kill him,they bring tigers etc up alone when their mum rejects them and they still learn to live well
besides polar bears are becoming increasingly extinct so they should do everything to save him

typical animal rights campainers >:( >:( >:(

and they could always adopt him out to another zoo if it doesnt work there

such a stupid waste of a life if they have him PTS >:( >:( >:( >:(
OMG! they cant do that! Its nature for the mum to reject their babies sometimes! They bring other types of animals up in captivity why not this little guy? :'( thats really sad...
I thought they had wonderfull zoos sorry can't think of a better work in America, i mean the adds you see on tv are just amazing. surly they could find room for him accross the world somewhere
Sehnsucht said:
They cant kill him,they bring tigers etc up alone when their mum rejects them and they still learn to live well
besides polar bears are becoming increasingly extinct so they should do everything to save him

typical animal rights campainers >:( >:( >:(

and they could always adopt him out to another zoo if it doesnt work there

such a stupid waste of a life if they have him PTS >:( >:( >:( >:(

This is that animal rights organisation isn't it? The biggest con/sham ever to call themselves a charity... >:(
cant they train them to hunt etc. so they can go back to the wild? There are hundreds of zoos across the world... surley one can help him! I would save him if they didnt grow so big ;D
I think to train a polar bear to hunt would be hard, as they have to learn such skills from mum, and also they do some rotten things, ie seal pups and attacking trapped whales in the holes on the ice that they breath though, not really something us silly two legs can teach! But i don't understand, they already have polar bears in captivity this little fellow does not know any different, that can't be two bad surly not.
Its not his fault his mum abandoned him... so because of this theyre going to KILL him!?!
He is the most adorable little bear but will obviously grow in to a huge bear. I don't like the idea of animals like this being kept in zoos but surely there is a Polar Bear Sanctuary, or something like that, where he can live a more normal type of life. I believe there is something like this in Canada where they take bears who have been rejected.

There is no way he should be destroyed! That would be evil and cruel! He deserves the right to live!
I really don't understand where these people are coming from...Polars are in danger, because of global warming they are thinning out more each year. How can these people even contemplate killing an animal which is on the verge of being endangered? Hopefully this publicity will expose this organisation for what they are.
yes... because they are an endangered species isnt it illegal or somthing?
Id like to hear more of your thoughts on PETA. You are not the first person to suggest that they are not what they seem and I would like to know more
If this poor little bear is comdemned to a lifetime of loneliness as he will be so human-ised that he cannot interract with others of his kind (as they might kill him) then yes, this will be a shame.
He also would not be able to fend for himself I'm the wild so would effectively starve to death

But as reason to PTS an endangered species - IMHO no
They could always do what we do with boars that don't get on, he could be house next to a juvenile bear and could talk and chat, i am a big believer that animals of the same breed talk to each other, so this little fellow would have companionship, but also until he gets to big he could be housed with a brown bear cub there must be some out there for him to learn he is a bear.
Thought I should edit my post to remove the name of the organisation as I don’t want to appear libellous and get anyone into trouble. Billie’s Mum – just type it in to Google and you will find out a fair bit of info.
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