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New Born Pup
Aug 31, 2023
Reaction score
St Paul, MN
My guinea pig recently lost his cagemate for an unknown reason. Since then I've been monitoring him more closely (which he's not used to and is making him stressed) and I noticed he's been breathing pretty quickly. I took him to the vet about a week ago and they said it was a little faster than usual but most likely caused by stress because he didn't have any other symptoms of anything. Since then he's gotten lethargic (hiding away or laying in the same spot and only getting up to eat and drink) and the quick breathing is still happening (it's most prominent when he's resting, but seems pretty consistent so I don't think it could be caused by stress?). I want to trust the vet that nothing is wrong, especially since the visit was $200+ just to get him checked, but I'm really worried after reading about pneumonia. When he was at the vet they said his heart and lungs sound normal, but they didn't do an xray. Is it possible that he could have pneumonia even if his lungs sound normal? Is it possible he's just depressed/bored and stressed over the loss of his cagemate? I really wish I could just take him to the vet at the first sign that something is wrong but I already did that, and I'm not sure I can throw away any more money because I'm worried.
I’m sorry for the loss of your other piggy.

If you are noticing he is becoming more lethargic then it is important to switch from the routine lifelong weekly weight checks and instead weigh him daily. This will mean you can more closely monitor hay intake and it enables you to step in appropriately with syringe feeding. He definitely would then need to be taken back to the vet.
His lethargy may be because he is now alone, but you always need to rule out medical issues before assuming behavioural.
The fact you had him seen by the vet a week ago is obviously good but if you are noticing a change in him, then we would always advise a further check - the fact is we can’t know if something is brewing now that wasn’t then.
I hope he is ok