please help.

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Jul 4, 2012
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Windsor, ON. Canada
So my piggies have been getting along fine since i got them from the rescue roughly 2 months ago. They are both almost 6 months of age (will be on the 18th) and they are brothers.

Today i woke up and i went to see the piggies, like i normally do. I noticed that one of my piggies, Almond, was sleeping up stairs on our one cube by one cube loft. I went to feed them grass, when i noticed that Almond had a a little cut under his nose. He also wasn't coming down from the loft. The both usually zoom to me when they see i'm about to feed them their morning grass. So i grabbed almond to see what was wrong with him, it was a little scratch under his nose. I thought it was something else, but it was only a little scratch.

So i put him down in the downstairs of the cage, he seemed very nervous, more nervous than he usually is. So i continued to feed them grass without no problem. After i was finished, Almond went to go lie down in his spot. After 10 minutes i heard the boys chartering their teeth very loudly, and filbert was chasing Almond and nipping him. Thats when it hit me, there had been a change in dominance. I asked my dad if he heard anything from the boys the previous night. He said that they were really loud and they were fighting. That explains why Almond had the scratch under his nose.

For some reason i saw this coming. Know poor almond is stuck up on his loft and i don't know what to do about it. He can't come downstaris because Filbert will attack him!
I need some serous help. 8...:...:...:...
That's what i was planning to do, thanks. I'm just worried, like i know that they are really hormonal from ages 4-14 months, but i can't help but worry, you know ? they were getting alone ok .... untill now. :0
Sounds as though they are fighting for top pig spot and they both want it :(
Maybe try them again in a large pen, space is a real issue with hormonal boars - our two sets of boys have two 6ft levels and at almost two years old, have never had a fall out and sleep very close to each other at night but like their own space in the day.
Also, do you have two of everything - dishes etc. ?
I've just had to separate Robbie and Ethan. They've been together since September last year from Ethan being 9 weeks old. The tables have now turned on Robbie, who has always been such a gentleman. I've got them with just a wire between them and I'm hoping to put them back together at some point. (Don't know if it'll work, but worth trying).
hopefully they'll be okay, they have calmed down a bit, and i have manged to put the in the same cage again. they are keeping their distance however, but it's better than it was before. I just guess they need a break from each other. Thanks to everyone. :)
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