Please help!


New Born Pup
Feb 20, 2025
Reaction score
Hello so I just got a male guinea pig he is still just a baby I haven't had a guinea pig since I was a kid and have done a lot of research I know a lot of their diet and what each noise they make means I also have already gotten him a bunch of toys and a wood hidey hole the hay and the pellets I have everything I will say I used a starter kit because of how small he is so far with all of my research I have not gotten a direct answer on how big his cage should be where he's happy he makes happy noises while in the cage as well as hunger noises he always gets fed but I would like some recommendations please be kind so far I've seen a lot of hate from me asking simple things and the other question is does putting a blanket on top of the cage help with warmth he also has a bunch of chew sticks.
Welcome to the forum

The single most important thing for him right now is that he lives with another guinea pig.
Guinea pigs, particularly a baby piggy, must never be kept by themselves. They are social animals and need to always be kept in pairs. A piggy by themselves will get lonely and depressed and no amount of human interaction will ever be enough.
Please do get him a friend asap.

The cage for two male piggies needs to be 180x60cm, that is 70x24 inches.

Yes putting a blanket over his cage will help him settle in and not be so frightened. It can also help if your house is cold to keep heat in the cage.

I’ve added a guide below which details everything you need to know as a new owner

To add, I’m not sure what you mean by a starter kit, but his cage should not be any smaller simply because he is a baby. He still needs the same amount of room in his cage as an adult.
Changing the cage at a later date means it’s a whole new territory and will cause him disruption, so it is best to get him into the right size cage, (with a friend) asap.

When bonding him with another guinea pig, it is essential it is done the right way. Piggies must be character compatible to be able to form a functioning hierarchy. You must introduce them on neutral territory and never in what is already his cage as it will be seen as a territory invasion.

This is the bonding guide

I have also added further guides below for information on why they must always be kept in pairs
