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New Born Pup
Jan 28, 2014
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Hi everyone :D
I'm going to addopt a gp but i can't be sure the owner lied to me or said truth about gp's age.
Is this gp 4 weeks old?
here it is

Looks like it could be, you do intend to get/pair up this piggie with another, aren't you?
Guinea pigs need to be kept in pairs.
It's a very pretty piggie by the way! :love:
Its a young piggy under 8 weeks I would say but hard to tell from a photo but I would say 6 weeks going from mine when I had them. It should ideally stay with the breeder till 6 weeks though
I would say that your baby boy could be 4 weeks old. Sizes at this stage of life can differ enormously, depending on how well developed and well cared for they are. It is still a bit young for rehoming. We recommend 6 weeks/400g of weight, which means that they youngsters are sturdy enough to cope with a major upset in their life and much less likely to fall ill.

Please get two guinea pigs! They are group animals and not wired to be on their own. You are missing out on the lively, vocal interaction that makes guinea pigs so unique.

Which country are you in? Do you know that there are good rescues that are the safest place to get piggies from and not have unpleasant surprises? If you decide to buy from the breeder, please ask what diet he has been on, especially which veg he is used to (if any). Too much veg on a digestive system that is not used to it, can cause diarrhea.

You can find more information at the top of this section and the Daily Care section.
He looks like he could be 4 weeks old to me, he is very gorgeous :) But as others have said, too young for safe rehoming. The youngest that I have had pigs is 8 weeks.
He needs a friend.I took on 2 four week old piggies but they had lost their mum anyway and were going in with an adult and older baby.Are there any rescues that you could get an older boar to keep him company, he was too young to be regimes.Good luck with him
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