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Please Help- White Spots on Ear


New Born Pup
Sep 21, 2019
Reaction score
So I was checking my guinea pigs ear today and I noticed 4 white lumps on the ear. I'm not sure exactly what it is and am wondering whether need to take to the vet or if there is something I can do at home. I have 2 guinea pigs, and there is nothing in either of the other guinea pigs ears.
I am wondering what exactly this is, is it contagious and how can I fix this.
I have attached two pictures of what the ear looks like, sorry they're not the best quality but I hope you can kind of see what it looks like.
Thank you for any help.IMG_20190921_132626999.jpgIMG_20190921_132516241.jpg
Hi sorry but I couldn’t see any lumps on the photos. If the lumps are under the skin I’d get your piggie checked at the vets. Could it be a fungal infection? This would be a white/grey furry looking lesion on the surface of the ear. If so try Daktarin ( think that’s how you spell it). You can get this at most chemists and it’s effective. I hope all goes well. Good luck
Hi, as with the previous poster I couldn't see any lumps as the picture is slightly blurry, but if this is something new please make an appointment for you guinea pig at the vets.
Many fungal infections start on or around the ear area, so if you have concerns it is always good to have a vet check them over, particulary as some fungal infections can be transmitted to humans..
Most importantly please do not treat at home with over the counter products.
These are rarely strong enough to cure a problem, and simply mask the symptoms making it much harder for a vet to diagnose and properly treat them.