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Please help - Tiger is worse

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Wales (but from the Wirral)
Poor Tiger has been on Baytril for a rattly chest, and spot on for lice.
He semed a bit quiet and off his food last night, and this morning, but he has been nibbling hay. When OH got home tonight there was a lot of sloppy poo and Tiger was hunching up and mewing - he took him to the vets who said it was prob the baytril that had upset him, to give him plenty of clean hay and make sure his water is in reach, to discontinue the baytril and he should get better.
He is still hunching and got a runny bottom - I have given him 2 lots of drinks via the syringe and a bit of critical care, he has also had a bot of grass and hay. What else can we do to help him? :'( I hate seeing him in pain.
I'm sorry I can't help, just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you, Hugs for you and Tiger :-*
Hi, he needs some probiotics and I would keep him on the antibiotics I think, (though you/your vet will know best). Ask your vet for the probiotics.
Hi Karen,
I have some Bio Lapis here, think thats a pro biotic isn't it? I am really bothered about keeping him on the baytril as his chest is OK and I am worried about his tum - its really not like him to be off his food as he is a greedy boy, but all he is eating is a bit of hay.

Do I need to start syringe feeding on the hour?
When pigs have runny diarheoa they need to have rehydration therapy,because the diarrheoa takes a lot of essential miner5als out of the body.Any powder satchets will do,Dialyrite or Boots own are good.Make up the powder as per instructions and give little and often with a syringe.You have done right in giving extra water anyway.

It might be worth trying Bio-Lapis.Did you give a pro-biotic while he was on the Baytril?.,This should always be given because it helps reduce the chance of digestive upset.

Paws crossed that Tiger will be better soon.
I have some Dioralyte from when I had food poisoning! How much do I give him and how often?

Also I didn't know I should have given him the pro biotic with the baytril. Shall I try this as well as the Dioralyte?
Yes you could give the probiotic and the rehydration powder.I normaly give rehydration fluid with a 1ml syringe ,and give approx..2 -3mls every hour.It will not hurt to give more if Tiger will take it.

Maybe it would be worth asking your vet about Septrin instead of Baytril.This is a better drug for chest infections,and I find that on the whole is does not upset the digestion so easily.

You can give half an Immodium capsule or tablet,but as Tiger is under vet care,it might be better if you check with vet first.
If his chest is better then he doesn't need the antibitotics if he finished his course?

Immodium is good but you need to clear up the cause of the diarrohea I think which probiotics and fluids should do. Chicory and banana are high in potassium- lots of which is lost when guineas have diarrohea.
He's just had some more water from the syringe, also he is eating grass and hay now on his own, and he isn't hunching up nearly so often.
I don't want to upset his tum with too much stuff - before we go to bed shall I give him just the probiotics?

I am usually up during the night too so will give him another drink then. Poor little man.

His chest seems better - the vet said to discontinue the baytril ... I trust you guys more but the upset tum is worse than his chest was so don't want to give him any more anit b's.
How long has he had the Baytril for? When one of mine reacted badly to the Baytril (diarrhoea and griping stomach pains), the vet insisted she stay on it, but have a large dose of probiotic daily. I was sceptical and worried, but she did fine. As others have said, depends if he has finished the course or not.
If he hasn't finished the course he may well have to go back on it anyway. While he's eating I would keep him on them. Definitely probiotics tonight. They'll settle his tum :)
He has been on the baytril for 5 days now. He is not really eating apart from a bit of hay/grass, I don't want to give him any more tum problems. I will give him probiotics - how much?
Katie, sorry to hear about Tiger, you've had a lot of worries lately haven't you all :-\ Pepe had a terrible upset tum after Baytril and lost loads of weight, we were giving him Avipro Plus though, not Bio Lapis so sorry I don't know the doseage of that. We just kept giving him loads of tasty hay and mixed it with other types of hay to keep his interest, and syringe fed him when his appetite was gone.

Sending a big hug to you and Tiger xx
Lots of piggie kisses from Duke for little Tiger and i'm sending gentle cuddles and kisses for him :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
You're doing a brilliant job love, keep it up O0 O0
Rocky was like this not long ago. A couple of days of intense probiotics and rehydration and he was fine :)
Thanks guys, the problem is that he is fighting the syringe and tries to bite it - I've managed to get 0.3 Bio Lapsis into him, and we've put some grass in water in a bowl for him as that is all he will eat..
Slide the syringe in from the side, bypassing the incisors. It might help if you wrap him in a towel and soothe him with cuddles first.
I do Lucinda, problem is he is so quick he grabs it before I can get the stuff in! have had him in a towel for ages trying to get some into him. Do you think he has had enough for now?
Don't force it as he could choke. I think gentle persistence is the thing here. Rocky was brilliant with the syringe - and he seemed to like the probiotics.

Could you mix in a bit of Ribena to disguise the taste?
Aw katie i hope he's ok poor thing. If ralfie gets stressed when hes been towel wrapped i let him just sit on my knee for a few mins the wrap him up again and try to get it down him quickly but gently. Soory cant help about the runny poos x
I have jut had the same thing with Maisy, antibiotics gave her diaorrhea,she is the one piggie i have who easily gets a bad tummy. not sure everyone will agree, but i stopped all fresh food aswell as grass, until she was ok again. I had to remind my vet to perscribe probiotics, Just fed her fresh hay and her nuggets,as well as syringe feeding her probiotic in water, she is fine now.
Good luck, let us know how he gets on.
Try not to worry too much Katie, he is eating something by himself which is a good sign, and he's eating the important one. Aslong as you're syringing him some to help him along and he's getting water and hay i think he'll be back to his usual self in a day or two. I know when any of mine are ill the dried food is the one they go off completely xxxxx
thats what i said in my post, stop the grass until he's better, it wont help bind his poops, hope he's gonna be ok x
Oh Tiger, now you take that syringe of meds like a good boy O0 O0
Love keep trying, give lots of cuddles in between and talk quietly to him, reassuring him all the time... they eventually learn that the syringe is a good thing O0
Perhaps you could also try syringing water as well in between and then he'll know that yummy water comes from the syringe as well :)
Grind down his nuggets and mix them with cooled boiled water and try syringing them as well :)
Why won't grass help? It's as fibrous as hay. Certainly helped Sukie when she had the Baytril diarrhoea.

With the syringing, something you can try is to put one hand over the eyes and to hold the head steady, and the other to do the syringing. I've never found the towel technique helpful, to be honest.
Sorry I wasn't around for you last night Katie. Give my favourite boy that I don't own a big kiss from me. Hope he is feeling better. It's horrible when they are sick! :( Keep intouch!

oooooh nooooo! Sorry to hear Tiger isnt getting any better :(

Loadsa luv from me and the girlies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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