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PLEASE HELP! Sick piggie


New Born Pup
Nov 20, 2018
Reaction score
Hi. I’ve had my guinea pig for around a year and a half now, and I’m starting to get worried about him. He’s had bumblefoot all his life, and I’ve treated it so many times. He’s been on antibiotics three times, as well as home treatments. It didn’t go away this time. He’s also lost some weight, and won’t move around much. He’s still eating and drinking, but I don’t know what to do. He’s lost a tooth before, which I heard was a sign he’s sick. He’s also lost a toe to bumblefoot. My boyfriend thinks we should put him down because he’s not living a good life, but I’m not sure if that’s the right choice for him. Please help.
Has he been to the vet lately? I would take him in and see what they say. How old is he?
Does he receive sufficient Vitamin C, either through his diet or a supplement?

I had a pig with recurrent bumblefoot, even though his cage-mate - living in exactly the same conditions - never had a sign of it. A vet recommended a high dose of Vitamin C (he is a 1kg pig and gets supplemented 100mg every 2 days, part of a human tablet crushed and mixed with water in a syringe). He loves it and we haven’t had open skin since. The vet explained it’s a water-soluble Vitamin so even though this is a high dose they rapidly excrete what they don’t need, via their urine.

I also changed his bedding, from polar fleece (which all my other pigs are on) to fleece overlaid with a really plush towel. I change the towel once a day, much more often than the fleece, and it goes in the clothes-dryer after each wash to fluff it up.

And to get him moving I did scatter feeds - literally scattering food all over his big cage. It gets them to mimic natural walking/grazing behaviour. Outdoor grazing is even better, if it’s safe to do where you live. And having a cage-mate helped too.

That said, I absolutely agree with @HeatherRose and would make a vet visit.
I completely agree with everything said above - vet check; review his diet; check and change the type of bedding and/or the frequency at which you change the bedding
Keep Strong and postive your piggie will pick up on that. seek vet advise you have done so much for your piggie.
Well done. x
Please also ask the vet to check his heart as in some cases Bumblefoot is the result of circulatory issues. Also look out for any other signs of a heart issue such as laboured or rapid breathing, abdominal bloating, difficulty to rouse from sleep, blue tinge to nose and ears and lethargy.
I also agree with a vet check and a heart check - bumblefoot can be a complication from bad blood circulation.
I would also ask for a heart/circulation check, and diabetes might also be worth checking, as it can cause circulatory issues in the extremities as well. Hope you can find something useful out!