Please Help! My New Guinea Pigs Dont Seem To Get On

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New Born Pup
Jun 1, 2014
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I got my 2 sows a week ago. They are about 18 months and were previously together in a larger group. For the first few days they kept arguing over food, and now the braver of the 2 has permanantly moved to the downstairs of their hutch! They dont seem to be making any contact with each other. I have had to put food & bedding downstairs as she wont go up at all. The more nervous guinea pig upstairs is just sitting in the corner of the dark bedroom, and only comes out to eat then goes straight back. She looks depressed. I am new to guinea pigs and dont know if this is normal behaviour or if I should be worried? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
They may be scared of going up / down ramp? Have you tried putting them together again on one level?
Hi, yes i've tried putting them back together, but snowflake (the brave one) just goes back downstairs again. She is very capable of doing the ramp. I think fluffy (the nervous one upstairs) is scared of the ramp, but putting her downstairs seems to make her more nervous and she just hides in a corner!
I would look into maybe getting a ramp tunnel that way they can come up and down more safely and your shy pig can have the extra security to help her brave the ramp.
Thank you, I didnt know you could get them (I'm new to this!) I will have a look for one. I cant see the pictures but i'll google it :-)
You can get them on ebay and from places that sell cuddle cups etc.. with you only having them 2 weeks they are still getting used to their new home so they are biund to still be a bit scared!
I have a hutch with a ramp. When my pigs were new to the hutch I kept the ramp closed so they could get used to the upper level first, as the guinea pigs are new to you and their new home I would leave the ramp closed if possible, that way they will be able to get used to each other and their new home more quickly. You can introduce the ramp and lower deck at a later date.
If they're fighting over the food, get two food bowls and if with water do the same. :)
Maybe when you put your guinea pigs in the hutch, put the dominant one (that apparently stays downstairs) upstairs? See how he/she gets along in there.

Thank you all for your advice. They seem to be getting on a bit better now. One does still spend a lot of time downstairs, but she does go up at times now which is good. And sometimes I do find them snuggled up together.
With the food, Ive noticed that the braver one does sometimes try and steal food from the other (when feeding them fresh greens - even though I do give them both it at the same time!) She seems to eat a lot quicker, and then tries and steal the others. But she doesnt get away with it! Fluffy will retaliate, and not let her have it. Its as though she's telling her off as snowflake (brave one) then goes off back downstairs for a bit! Or she's sulking that she didnt get it! Lol
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