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Please help! Guinea pig with lumpy, swollen protruding penis


New Born Pup
Dec 7, 2022
Reaction score
This is my 4.5 year old skinny pig Lennon. Last night i noticed two smallish firm, white lumps on the base of his penis. His penis is also red, somewhat swollen and sticking out. He is eating, drinking and running around just fine and does not seem to be bothered by it at all. We are calling today to see how quickly we can get him in the vet. I do clean that area regularly but I will admit it has been maybe 2-3 months since I last did.

However, i could really use some suggestions as to what could be causing this? I have no idea what to expect and I am worried.

Thank you so much to anyone who takes the time to help!

(First picture is last night when I first noticed, second picture is this morning after a warm water soak)IMG_4397.webpIMG_4402.webp
Poor Lennon. I hope he can be seen as an emergency. That does looks sore. It maybe looks like there is puss there? Hopefully it’s nothing serious and is easily treatable. Let us know what the vet says. Good luck.
This is my 4.5 year old skinny pig Lennon. Last night i noticed two smallish firm, white lumps on the base of his penis. His penis is also red, somewhat swollen and sticking out. He is eating, drinking and running around just fine and does not seem to be bothered by it at all. We are calling today to see how quickly we can get him in the vet. I do clean that area regularly but I will admit it has been maybe 2-3 months since I last did.

However, i could really use some suggestions as to what could be causing this? I have no idea what to expect and I am worried.

Thank you so much to anyone who takes the time to help!

(First picture is last night when I first noticed, second picture is this morning after a warm water soak)View attachment 223112View attachment 223113

Hi and welcome

Please have him seen by a vet as soon as you can. It looks very uncomfortable. It is impossible for us to tell whether it is an infection, a sperm rod (dried semen fluid inside the penis shaft) or a combination of the two.
Hi and welcome

Please have him seen by a vet as soon as you can. It looks very uncomfortable. It is impossible for us to tell whether it is an infection, a sperm rod (dried semen fluid inside the penis shaft) or a combination of the two.
Thank you. He’s going to the vet tomorrow and I’ll give an update as to what they think it could be and our treatment for it
Poor Lennon. I hope he can be seen as an emergency. That does looks sore. It maybe looks like there is puss there? Hopefully it’s nothing serious and is easily treatable. Let us know what the vet says. Good luck.
Thank you for responding. Earliest we could get him to the vet is tomorrow. I’m not sure if it’s puss as it feels like a firm lump. I’m hoping it’s nothing serious either, we’ll have to wait and see. Love my piggies but it can be so stressful 😢
Thank you. He’s going to the vet tomorrow and I’ll give an update as to what they think it could be and our treatment for it
Great that you have been able to get him in so quickly. All the best for your vet visit!
This is my 4.5 year old skinny pig Lennon. Last night i noticed two smallish firm, white lumps on the base of his penis. His penis is also red, somewhat swollen and sticking out. He is eating, drinking and running around just fine and does not seem to be bothered by it at all. We are calling today to see how quickly we can get him in the vet. I do clean that area regularly but I will admit it has been maybe 2-3 months since I last did.

However, i could really use some suggestions as to what could be causing this? I have no idea what to expect and I am worried.

Thank you so much to anyone who takes the time to help!

(First picture is last night when I first noticed, second picture is this morning after a warm water soak)View attachment 223112View attachment 223113
The veterinarian said it is likely related to a gland and wants to do a surgery to remove it which requires anesthetic ($1000). She also suggested a scan before the surgery to see if there’s anything else going on, although she thinks he seems otherwise healthy ($550). And then, if/when we do the surgery we have the option to have it send off to the lab for testing - just to see if there’s cancer there or if it’s an infection of the gland or real what it actually is ($250).

For now we’re opting to just keep an extremely close watch on it, keeping the area moist with KY jelly as the vet recommend. Most likely will opt to do the surgery shortly however.

Has anyone had any experience with surgery for their pigs? I’m very worried about it. Thank you for all the responses everyone!
The veterinarian said it is likely related to a gland and wants to do a surgery to remove it which requires anesthetic ($1000). She also suggested a scan before the surgery to see if there’s anything else going on, although she thinks he seems otherwise healthy ($550). And then, if/when we do the surgery we have the option to have it send off to the lab for testing - just to see if there’s cancer there or if it’s an infection of the gland or real what it actually is ($250).

For now we’re opting to just keep an extremely close watch on it, keeping the area moist with KY jelly as the vet recommend. Most likely will opt to do the surgery shortly however.

Has anyone had any experience with surgery for their pigs? I’m very worried about it. Thank you for all the responses everyone!

I am very sorry. Vet cost in Canada are sky high, especially once you get into operations, scans and lab tests. :(

Here is our post-op care guide: Tips For Post-operative Care

Recovery rates depend on the anaestethic used, the length of an operation, the operation and recovery team's experience (crucial) and of course massively on the nature of the operation and the fitness of a piggy.
Recovery rates have generally gone up a lot over the last decade but variables remain.

Please be aware that when browsing online you won't get a realistic picture. What you will find is all the horror stories and miracle survivals but what is large absent is the vast majority of uneventful full recoveries because they are not considered posting about.

I haven't lost a piggy in an operation since January 2014 which was a make or break high risk emergency operation to remove a very fast growing, blood filled mammary tumour in a guinea pig with a very irregular heart beat. Without the operation, the tumor would have turned septic within a couple of weeks and would have meant euthanasia to avoid a very painful slower death. Sadly Rhosyn's heart gave out right at the end of the operation.
Since then I have had well over 10 more successful operations, including several full spays, a stone removal, various lump removals and dental root abscess surgery, plus several boar neuterings, including the neutering of two 4 months old boars last month. My oldest operated piggy was a sow just a month short of her 7th birthday who lived for a few months longer and died naturally from old age.
I have experienced at least 4 piggie operations and all went very well. i would say as long as your vet is experienced with operating on guinea pigs under General anaesthetic then that is the main thing. You can also prepared for the post operation by reading the Post op guide and see what you can do to help him in the post op days when he may need syringe feeding etc
Did the vet offer a treatment of Antibiotics first? I looks like there may be pus under the skin? Those little black bits almost look like a bite of some sort?
That’s good to hear thank you. We asked about antibiotics she said he doesn’t need them because it’s not infected. He’s always had those black spots on his skin and it looks like pus bits it’s actually a firm lump.
That’s good to hear thank you. We asked about antibiotics she said he doesn’t need them because it’s not infected. He’s always had those black spots on his skin and it looks like pus bits it’s actually a firm lump.
Aw right, I didn’t know the little black spots were his skin 😊 Good luck I hope it all goes really well for you little Lennon 🤞
I am very sorry. Vet cost in Canada are sky high, especially once you get into operations, scans and lab tests. :(

Here is our post-op care guide: Tips For Post-operative Care

Recovery rates depend on the anaestethic used, the length of an operation, the operation and recovery team's experience and of course massively on the nature of the operation and the fitness of a piggy.
Recovery rates have generally gone up a lot over the last decade but variables remain.

Please be aware that when browsing online you won't get a realistic picture. What you will find is all the horror stories and miracle survivals but what is large absent is the vast majority of uneventful full recoveries because they are not considered posting about.

I haven't lost a piggy in an operation since January 2014 which was a make or break high risk emergency operation to remove a very fast growing, blood filled mammary tumour in a guinea pig with a very irregular heart beat. Without the operation, the tumor would have turned septic within a couple of weeks and would have meant euthanasia to avoid a very painful slower death. Sadly Rhosyn's heart gave out right at the end of the operation.
Since then I have had well over 10 more successful operations, including several full spays, a stone removal, various lump removals and dental root abscess surgery, plus several boar neuterings, including the neutering of two 4 months old boars last month. My oldest operated piggy was a sow just a month short of her 7th birthday who lived for a few months longer and died naturally from old age.
They are extremely high in Canada but we have to do what we have to do sadly. I really appreciate what you’ve let me know about operations and I’m sorry to hear about your Rhoysn ❤️

I hope we’re doing the right thing in keeping a very close watch while thinking about surgery.
Poor Lennon. I hope he’s soon on the road to recovery.
They are extremely high in Canada but we have to do what we have to do sadly. I really appreciate what you’ve let me know about operations and I’m sorry to hear about your Rhoysn ❤️

I hope we’re doing the right thing in keeping a very close watch while thinking about surgery.

Please read our post-op care guide link in this thread if you consider an operation; it starts with how you can prepare for an operation.
It is fully understandable that at these prices you want reassurance about the outcome. Unfortunately, we haven't quite seen a case or diagnosis like that (despite many tens of thousands of piggies passing through here) and cannot give you more specific feedback.
Please read our post-op care guide link in this thread if you consider an operation; it starts with how you can prepare for an operation.
It is fully understandable that at these prices you want reassurance about the outcome. Unfortunately, we haven't quite seen a case or diagnosis like that (despite many tens of thousands of piggies passing through here) and cannot give you more specific feedback.
Thank you I will read that. This is so strange because it seems like those lumps came out of nowhere and he’s now suddenly needing surgery to remove it. And the veterinarian said antibiotics were not necessary but it looks so red and swollen so I’m really unsure what to do. Should I be putting some type of antibiotic ointment on it?
Thank you I will read that. This is so strange because it seems like those lumps came out of nowhere and he’s now suddenly needing surgery to remove it. And the veterinarian said antibiotics were not necessary but it looks so red and swollen so I’m really unsure what to do. Should I be putting some type of antibiotic ointment on it?

Please accept that we have much stricter rules re. prescription-only medications here in the UK and that as a UK based public forum we are subject to those regulations. We do however have better vet access and have no frills clinics that provide basic care with a limited stock of medications at affordable prices.

Unfortunately for you, antibiotics fall into this category as do painkillers, so I cannot advise you on that. I hope that you understand.
This is my 4.5 year old skinny pig Lennon. Last night i noticed two smallish firm, white lumps on the base of his penis. His penis is also red, somewhat swollen and sticking out. He is eating, drinking and running around just fine and does not seem to be bothered by it at all. We are calling today to see how quickly we can get him in the vet. I do clean that area regularly but I will admit it has been maybe 2-3 months since I last did.

However, i could really use some suggestions as to what could be causing this? I have no idea what to expect and I am worried.

Thank you so much to anyone who takes the time to help!

(First picture is last night when I first noticed, second picture is this morning after a warm water soak)View attachment 223112View attachment 223113
Update on Lennon: he is still happy as can be, completely unbothered, eating drinking just fine. His Willy is no longer protruding and it seems like the swelling has gone down a bit! Obviously we have a ways to go but I’m hoping it’s up hill from here. Very happy I did not schedule an immediate surgery as the vet recommended


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I hope whatever it is might work it’s way out, is there any possibility it could be a build up under his foreskin?
I hope whatever it is might work it’s way out, is there any possibility it could be a build up under his foreskin?
I'd been wondering that but assumed the vet would know that can happen and could deal with it without an operation! Brillo gets a lot of hard smegma under his foreskin quite regularly, it would look like that if I didn't clean it every couple of weeks.
Update on Lennon: he is still happy as can be, completely unbothered, eating drinking just fine. His Willy is no longer protruding and it seems like the swelling has gone down a bit! Obviously we have a ways to go but I’m hoping it’s up hill from here. Very happy I did not schedule an immediate surgery as the vet recommended
Another update: Although yesterday it seemed as though the original problem with his Willy seemed slightly better, I noticed him somewhat ‘hooting’ or breathing slightly louder than normal. This morning he sounds a lot raspier and wheezier but is still eating and drinking just fine. This must call for another trip to the vet? I am worried sick and don’t know how this is happening right after his original problem. I’ve separated him from his brother. Is this a respiratory infection or what else can cause a raspy or wheatgrass voice and could it be related to the original health issues he’s been having?
Yes I’d get him seen again now he has different symptoms. Is there a different vets you could take him to and get a second opinion on the lump too? Good luck.
Another update: Although yesterday it seemed as though the original problem with his Willy seemed slightly better, I noticed him somewhat ‘hooting’ or breathing slightly louder than normal. This morning he sounds a lot raspier and wheezier but is still eating and drinking just fine. This must call for another trip to the vet? I am worried sick and don’t know how this is happening right after his original problem. I’ve separated him from his brother. Is this a respiratory infection or what else can cause a raspy or wheatgrass voice and could it be related to the original health issues he’s been having?

Please don’t separate him from his cage mate. There is no benefit in doing so. You won’t prevent a cage mate from catching anything that may be contagious because they have already been in contact with each other. Plus separating is very stressful for them and stress can lower the immune system - not what you want if a piggy is poorly - they tend to do much better when left with their cage mate. Please do reunite them.

And yes, please have him seen by a vet. A vet will need to listen to his chest and determine what is going on

I hope he is ok
Update on Lennon: he is still happy as can be, completely unbothered, eating drinking just fine. His Willy is no longer protruding and it seems like the swelling has gone down a bit! Obviously we have a ways to go but I’m hoping it’s up hill from here. Very happy I did not schedule an immediate surgery as the vet recommended
And here’s what his bits are looking like today. Still hungry and happy. I’d say it’s looking a lot better from where we started a few days ago, just keeping his pen extra tidy, washing the area and applying KY jelly as the vet recommended. Today he started ‘hooting’ however, just a faint noise while breathing. His weak sounds normal and the ‘hooting’ noise seems to come and go. Will keep an eye on him and may have to return to the vet soon.


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Please don’t separate him from his cage mate. There is no benefit in doing so. You won’t prevent a cage mate from catching anything that may be contagious because they have already been in contact with each other. Plus separating is very stressful for them and stress can lower the immune system - not what you want if a piggy is poorly - they tend to do much better when left with their cage mate. Please do reunite them.

And yes, please have him seen by a vet. A vet will need to listen to his chest and determine what is going on

I hope he is ok
Thank you for this I didn’t know. I don’t think it’s a respiratory infection either way, but they’re back together in their pen now.
And here’s what his bits are looking like today. Still hungry and happy. I’d say it’s looking a lot better from where we started a few days ago, just keeping his pen extra tidy, washing the area and applying KY jelly as the vet recommended. Today he started ‘hooting’ however, just a faint noise while breathing. His weak sounds normal and the ‘hooting’ noise seems to come and go. Will keep an eye on him and may have to return to the vet soon.

Piggies have narrow airways and hotting and audible breathing from the nose iis generally down to hay dust in the airways. A good sneeze should clear it out.
It is if there is a crackling, rattling, noises in the chest that is of more immediate concern.
This is my 4.5 year old skinny pig Lennon. Last night i noticed two smallish firm, white lumps on the base of his penis. His penis is also red, somewhat swollen and sticking out. He is eating, drinking and running around just fine and does not seem to be bothered by it at all. We are calling today to see how quickly we can get him in the vet. I do clean that area regularly but I will admit it has been maybe 2-3 months since I last did.

However, i could really use some suggestions as to what could be causing this? I have no idea what to expect and I am worried.

Thank you so much to anyone who takes the time to help!

(First picture is last night when I first noticed, second picture is this morning after a warm water soak)View attachment 223112View attachment 223113
BIG UPDATE: I have been monitoring these lumps since the day I noticed them. It has gradually been looking better day by day. Today I noticed there was a portion of one of the lumps sticking out the skin. Grabbed my tweezers and low and behold, the lumps squished right out like a clogged pore!

So it seems like it was some type of clogged pore. His Willy is looking completely normal now! I’m so disappointed in my vet for recommending such an invasive and costly surgery that wasn’t needed at all. I’m so glad Lennon is better though! (Sorry the pic is gross - this is everything that came out with gentle squeezing)


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