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Please help cancer in piggy

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Hi all and thanks for letting me join such a great forum.
I have 4 piggies and all are rescued pigs. Mistletoe has several lumps under her belly, the vet has taken a test but has come back inconclusive perhaps cancer!
Now she is eating and drinking and squeaking quite normally, but I have notices her female bits look strange like they have tiny little lumps on them, in fact she is looking like a boy pig!
Then this morning, I noticed some red jelly underneath her and wiped her bits and the tissue has red and brown stains on it. We lost mizzy siister 6 weeks ago from cancer she was 4 and a half but mizzy is only 3 years old. I wondered if anyone has any advice.
The vet says to put her to sleep as she will deteriorate but I know from experience that piggies tend to go quick and my others were peaceful too.
I just feel so sad as she is the one with the most character and to think that her owners left her , her mum and her sisters (she was 3 months old and the mum 3 and others were 2 years old!) under a shed then moved house! So I took all 4 in together.
She does not seem to be in any pain and was leaning out of the hutch this morning when I was getting the breakfast ready for them.
Thanks so much
Mistletoe, holly, and newbies twinkle and sparrow
Its really hard to know what is for the best but if it were me in the same situation and I kinda knew that she wasnt in a huge amount of pain I would leave it until it was time and you will know for sure when that is. There is bound to be someone on here who will give you some good advice please keep us updated.
I am so sorry to hear your sad news.

My Scarby who is now an 0:) had CA liver.

When it first presented, my vet removed a 200g tumour from Scarby's liver and with it a lobe of liver. Scarby recovered very well and had a further ten months with me. I lost Scarby on 29th March this year. The CA was back and had spread from the liver to the bowel and caused septicaemia.

Personally I would not choose to have any animal destroyed as an elective procedure. If, in theatre, the vet has done all he can and there truly is no hope, that is different.

I can't advise you what to do. But that is my story of CA in a guinea.

Thinking of you x
I think one of mine has cancer she has quite a few lumps under her belly, and a few in various other places, but given her age and that she is acting very normal ive left her alone ie not taken her to the vet etc, she is 5 1/2 so i dont want vets prodding at her/taking blood samples/doing tests or operating, in my opinion any pig that has an operation just goes downhill after the anaesthetic but thats only from experience..she's fine in herself, and runs around, popcorns, is generally happy and not in pain and she eats for england! until she is in pain id rather let her live with her friends and be happy, in hope she will just pass away peacefully in her sleep but not for a long time yet shes a great little character!

id let her be until you know shes in pain, and its obv when a guinea pig is in pain..you'll just know..if shes still happy and content then just let her be :)
Hi all thanks for all your support and advice. I will keep you allposted she is outside in her run at moment and eating all grass she can get.
We shall see what this week brings
love to youall and the pic is of mistletoe when I fist got her
I'm so sorry - i cant offer any advice, only my best wishes for you and your animals
first of all BIG HUGS, because i know how you feel and it's so horrid. My little Ginger had tumors literally everywhere :'( he could hardly move poor little thing :'( so for me the decision was obvious, to have him put to sleep, it was just cruel to keep him going, he did nothing poor fella. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( Anyway, the good news is that yours little girlie is still eating, however, the decision is up to you... if you think she will continue to have a reasonable life then, keep her going, but if not i know i would have her put down for her sake. Try to be brave hun, my thoughts are with you. sending love to you and your piggie from me and my piggies. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :-*
Hi thanks again to all for your support.
Just an update. This morning I went to see her and all the tribe and she had got blood on her head which freaked me out ! I think she had been trying to lick herself so tonight I gave her a nice bath to clean her up and to check she is still a heathy weight. I have found another lump by her leg so that now makes three large lumps and her teats are relly swollen. She is still eating and drinling in fact she is still the first one to have the pick of the bowl! She is quieter though as there was no hanging out of the hutch tonight. I will keep praying for her, but if it comes , then I will have to make that horrible decision.
Love to you all
mandy and piggy tribe
Cant advise on something like this, you will know what to do when the time comes. But we are all thinking of you and Mizzy. She is adorable :smitten:
If she's not in pain and you don't want her put to sleep then don't :) Blood could be an infection of the womb or Urinary Tract, maybe stones or Kidney problems...
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