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I made the sin (i know bad girl) of buying a boar from a pet shop earlier today...he is pretty big, they didnt know how old he was...i think maybe four monthsish....maybe he was used for breeding or something :-\

Anyway, i fell in love with him and brought him home. Harry is a little ****tard at the best of times when it comes to other guinea pigs.....when we thought he was a she, he would never leave the girls alone...never ever and even now hes seperated, he chews the bars constantly to try and get back to them (not so much anymore though to be honest)

We got home, waited a few hours and thought we'd bite the bullet and put them together and see how the first step went. Harry chased the poor pig (Boris) around in circles....some teeth chattering, then boris' hair all stood on end....i went to pick boris up, and harry was showing his teeth, mouth open really wide like he was going to take a chunk out of scared the crap out of me! obviously i seperated them and now i am pretty much in tears as i think we will have to take boris back! I really really love this pig already, hes so sweet and beautiful and gentle...

I have no idea what to do. Andy is telling me to put a divide in the biggest cage and put one of them each side, but i can imagine harry somehow getting through and coming down in the morning to god knows what horror. This has really ot me down....does this mean that harry can never be put with boris or even any other piggies. The way he constantly would go after a girl, i would hate to put him in with one as id feel sorry for her! I really dont want to have to take boris back as hes such a lovely pig...he was in the pet shop with like 5 other males of mixed ages, so i think its harry with the problem. Boris is a fat porker but harry is still massive in comparison.

I'm feeling so down about this, any help would be really appreciated.... :(

Put them in a cage so they can see and smell eachother but divide it so they cant get to eachother... let them get used to it and then try introduce them on a neautral ground, like the couch. You put Boris in Harry's cage so Harry felt the need to fight for his territory... if the dividing thing still doesnt work try bathing them together :) when theyre all dry put them ina clean cage and they will probably get along :) good luck!

I got Cindy and my new boar to meet and Cindy is a little aggressive towards him... showing teeth and biting :o must be protecting her babies ;)

you need to do some prep work before introducing another male firstly rub him all over with the hay that Harry has been in so he can not smell any other males on him as he was housed with other males , then make sure they have plenty of room and 2 sets of food and water and lots of hidey places, introduce them in a neutral place away from females he might be feeling protective over them or terratorial, gradually let them spend time together, at night let them have a partition made strong so he cannot barge it down, , at baby boars are easier to introduce as the existing male doesn't take him as a threat, as they get calmer then you can start introducing them in one hutch/run it takes time its a rare a male will accept another straight away, good luck

Its not a sin to buy a piggy from a shop,dont worry about that,Ive done it a few times too ;)

is there any chance you can get another cage cheapish or something?
Or just divide the big one in two and just make sure they cant get to each other but just see each other..theyll give up trying to get to each other in the end when they realise they cant

Sadly the problem is no longer a problem....Harry i dont think will ever ever accept a male, hes too old, dominant and probably gender confused from us calling him a she his whole life. I know its a long process to introduce boars but we just couldnt see it, just from the way he reacted in the pen. Andy took boris back to the shop with me... :'( :'(

We thought they only had boars but when we explained what happened, they said we could *swap* (oh my god i feel like such a b*tch!) boris for one of the baby sows they had upstairs, which we decided to do...

I feel so bad for taking the 'easy' option but Harry would have just never ever accepted boris...

But we have a little coronet tri colour sow instead and dont get me wrong, shes a gorgeous tiny little thing...but boris is such a lovely lovely pig, whoever gets to keep him is very lucky! Not sure what to call her yet...but for the 4 hours or so we had boris, i still miss him ::) i know I'm silly!
Aww Doris sounds good :)

Dont worry... before I got Cindy we bought a beautiful male, tri-coloured abby home, but then we thought Wilson was a girl... so we took the boy back and brang Cindy home... I miss the boy but dont know what i'd do without Cindy :)
Yep, Doris it is :laugh: She is a lovely little piggie, but i just cant believe what a penis harry is...i guess hes been overindulged, living with girlies for so lng and being spoilt by andy ;D

Just trying not to think about it, i still resent harry a bit for havng his wicked way with maggs and being so mean, but i know i cant help it...just introduced the little one to maggs and pretzel and maggs immediatly started mothering her and they are all having a munch togther with pretzel popcorning everywhere...i think they will be fine, which is a massive relief! O0 :smitten:

Will send some piccies or doris later when shes a bit more settled ;)
awww how sweet :) I'm so glad theyre getting on! :)

Cant wait for pics ;D
Sorry to hear you had a bad experiance, boars do react like this if you put them together quickly. I am pleased that you were able to take the pig back and get a lady pal for Harry. Hopefuly Borris will get a home with a companion too.
I have had my two single boars for two weeks now and I am still bonding them! I am sorry, but i can't believe you gave up after four hours. Don't get me wrong, I am glad you have found a friend for Harry, but what about Boris - he thought he had found a home :(
we are a rescue and therefore have pretty limited space at the moment. So waiting for something that may never happen, and with harry we doubt it ever would is just silly when boris will probably be homed straightaway as he is a very good looking piggie and i could just get a sow that i knew maggs and pretzal would be fine with.

I get what you are saying, and i felt the same, but rehoming our own piggies to new homes has to be a priority as you can imagine, and as we keep them in quarentine for 3 weeks when we first get them, we just dont have the space to keep boris seperate hoping he may one day bond with harry with us knowing it wont ever happen! And poor boris was so so scared, ive introduced boars before but never seen anythng like what harry was doing!

Believe me if i could have worked something out i would have but we have 2 bonded boars that wouldnt have liked anyone else, 2 single boars that are to be rehomed and are in quarentine so he couldnt go with them, and then harry our own piggie who was just being a right poohead, and any of the 8 girls, two of which pregnant with un unneutered boar obviously couldnt happen, so sadly for us it couldnt be done at the moment!

They are a good pet shop, i KNOW that and i know boris will get a new home, and we just have to keep ourselves open in case we have to take any urgent piggies, so have to always have at least 2 cages spare!

If we had just the 2 or 4 piggies to think about i would have kept him no matter what... :'(
Is Harry neutered? If not and a sow is put in with him then the same thing will happen as before and you'll end up with another pregnancy!

Sadly, this is what happens in a petstore. I have my own rescue so it's hard not to help the piggies in the pet stores, but I know that sometimes you just can't. I've only ever gotten piggies from a petstore a couple of times.
1. When I was young and they had a guinea pig all by himself in a rat cage
2. When I needed a buddy for the previous piggy and he was all by himself with rabbits
3. They were in the adoption center (so no money) so I took them and got them a good home
4. There was a terribly sick boy that I thought I could help and I knew I could more than them (but sadly, despite my efforts, he didn't make it)
Since you're doing rescue now you can't afford to be buying piggies when you need to support the others and the piggy you buy may be taking up the space of a piggy in need. I know it stinks, but that's one of the sacrifices we have to make in order to do rescue.

yep, we know that >:( harry is getting neutered in 2 weeks, hense he may go in with a girl in 8 weeks, but to be honest i would rather keep him on his own as i think he will hassle any piggie he lives with ::)

There is no way id put harry in with a girl unless he was neutered!! :o he doesnt even get to look at girlies! ;D but i think he may end up on his own in the long run
If Harry was the piggie that got yours pregnant once he has been neutered he can go back in with her when shes had the babies.
Why bother trying to bond him with another piggie as you have said he is going to be neutered.
I'm just worried about the amount he may hassle the females after not being with them for so long ;D But i think thats what we will do, either that or he can stay a lone piggy, the amount of attention the OH gives him i doubt he minds! ;D
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