Please can you tell me what you feed your piggies in a whole day


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 22, 2023
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still finding forum very confusing.

Could you please tell me what do you feed your piggies in a whole day.

If you give different foods on different days could you be most kind to give a weekly account of what you give on Mon , Tues, Wed, Thur Fri Sat and sun please, so really a meal plan for piggies for the whole week

Thank you so much
You don’t need to plan weekly meals.
The four safe daily veg are lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper and coriander. They can have these every day with no need to vary. They contain a good mix of nutrients.

My four piggies get those four veggies every day. Sometimes if I have got another veg or herb in which I have bought for us humans to eat, I may give them a bit once or twice in the week but it’s not bought especially for them, as I say because I have bought it for us to eat. Ive got basil in this week for some pasta dishes but I will give some to my piggies and rabbits.

Otherwise they have hay constantly available in the cage, topped up a few times a day.

They also get fresh grass every day and wild fresh forage either through being in their runs during the day if weather allows or i handpick it for them.

You can give one tablespoon of plain pellets per pig per day

I personally don’t give pellets daily instead I give them three times a week and on the other days I give some dried forage instead of pellets.

This is our diet guide

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
I give my three piggies the following:-

Morning - top up of hay and 1 tablespoon per piggy of Science Selective Grain Free pellets.

Afternoon - veggies usually lettuce, cucumber, pepper and aubergine. They also get herbs, sugar snap peas, green beans, celery (stalks only) or a bit of raddish if I have those things hanging around cos I've bought it for us.

Evening - 3 pea flakes each and 3 cubes dried apple followed by a bowl of mixed forage.

Hope this helps!
Welcome to the forum.

I have two boys called Pepper and Pebble. Every morning I give them cucumber, pepper, lettuce (do not give iceberg), coriander, a green bean.

Then top up their hay.

Evening is the same veggies as the morning plus more hay, a tablespoon of nuggets each (I use hay box hay and nuggets) and a couple of pea flakes. Sometimes I leave out the nuggets and pea flakes and give them forage instead. Mine like dried dandelion and plantain.

I wouldn’t give them much carrot as it always gives my boys soft poops. Also introduce new veggies slowly.

I don’t feed any fruit and no tomatoes as I once had a piggy with chelitis.

Other occasional safe foods are parsley, basil, mint, celery.

Hope this helps.
In the morning, mine get a lettuce leaf and hay topup. In the afternoon (time depends on whether my daughter or I feed them), they get cucumber, pepper, coriander and their pellets. They also get a hay topup at bedtime.

I sometimes give them green beans (I buy it specifically for them) or celery if the husband has bought some for them. Occasional sliver of carrot, a 1/4 grape or blueberry. Otherwise they get the same every day.

I also sometimes cut some grass for them or they may get a dandelion leaf or broadleaf plantain leaf. I dried some stinging nettles, herb Robert and something else last month but it didn’t last long! I normally buy forage during the winter and that’s given to them 1-2 times a week.
Things I buy weekly no matter what are romaine lettuce, peppers, herb/s and cucumber. Things I buy in rotation are green beans, celery, spinach, spring greens, cabbage (the rotation is not a set thing, I usually just go off my own thoughts/season/price). For example you shouldn’t overfeed spinach, so when I buy a bag they get a small handful a day until the bag runs out (I also use it in meals/smoothies), and that will probably be it for a month or so.
Other items such as fruits, carrots, tomatoes, baby sweetcorn etc. I feed when I have them available, usually when they’re part of one of my meals.

This list is not extensive nor fully inclusive, I’m sure you’ll find your own ‘groove’, and find everything will change based on the season, prices and availability etc. anyway.
The guide linked above is a great place to start. Introduce new foods slowly and when getting started you may find it helpful to research what foods are safe and the frequency they can/should be fed.
It can all seem a bit overwhelming but you’ll get there x
I make up my veg for her (was them before Timmy died) and give half and put half in a container ready for the morning. There is always a bit of lettuce, cucumber, pepper and coriander. She then might get whatever else I have, so a piece of carrot, celery, a strawberry, a grape, a green bean. Sometimes I’ll give a big piece of corn on the cob for variety and nothing else. It’s Tesco day today so bless her, all she has are the basics!

Over the day I’ll give her a nugget as a treat for saying hello. I’ve never given those in a bowl etc, only ever hand fed them for bonding.

Hay top ups as required.

If the kids have strawberries they’ll give her a top, or a blueberry etc as a treat too.
Hello, and below is my daily routine.

Morning — Romaine lettuce. Replenish Oxbow hay and water.
Lunch — Oxbow pellets and (other veggies or fruits). Check hay and water.
Dinner — Romaine lettuce with other veggies. Replenish Oxbow hay.

My boys get romaine lettuce twice daily. For other veggies and fruits, I give them what I have that day like cucumber, blueberry, carrot, dandelion, apple, uncooked corn, and etc. My boys are indoor piggies so I am able to check on them multiple times a day.
To add to the top, I only give a spoonful of pellets a day. I prefer my boys eat more Oxbow hay and fresh veggies than pellets. I believe pellets have some vitamins that they aren’t getting from veggies and Oxbow hay.
In the morning mine get a huge pile of fresh hay, fresh water and a lettuce leaf each.
Around the middle of the day there’s some herbs or a chunk of cucumber.
They think that cucumber is the best treat ever.

Late afternoon they get their veggies - a selection of leaves, pepper, herbs, or whatever there is in the fridge.
Fresh water if needed.

Late evening there’s occasional treats of oat grass or forage.
Pellets get scattered a few times a week, no more than 4 times.

Hope this helps
The diet does depend upon the age and health of the guinea pigs. It has taken me a while to get my twos diet right because it has to balance the possible bladder issues and age related weight loss of one (older), with the ability to eat and gain weight seemingly infinitely of the other (younger).

Morning, half an oxbow urinary tablet each, top up hay.

Mid day, a load of fresh grass, sometimes with other fresh forage as well, hay top up.

Late afternoon, ten science selective pellets each.

Mid to late evening, half an oxbow urinary tablet each, hay top up and veg (romaine lettuce, bell pepper and cucumber, sometimes a little bit of coriander as well).

They get fruit occasionally, really whenever I remember which can sometimes be twice in one week or not for over a week.