Please can anyone help?

What sort of things are you looking for? Guinea pig stuff or like chocolates, bath stuff etc.
Also, would a monetary donation also be helpful to put towards buying stuff for the raffle?
Just sent a paypal donation to help with prize shopping! I hope you have a good day.
I wil bring a few bits with me on the day if that's ok. I'm assuming that you will need volunteers to man the stalls again. 🙂
Absolutely! Like I said I've not got many, I'm working on #24 as I type. However, since I can't really do much of anything else I might just binge watch tv and braid for a bit, lol. They'll be ready whenever. :)
Thank you so much! That’s so kind of you x
I might have a few bits Debbie. Will check tomorrow if baby brain let's me remember. Will have to pop them in the post to you though as my due dates getting a bit close for travelling now 🤣
I have sent over a little donation, hope you can buy a box of chocolates or two and raise some money for TEAS x