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Please be kind as I suffer with generalised anxiety disorder and I know I panic too much but I need advice


New Born Pup
Aug 7, 2022
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I hope this post doesn't come across as too stupid and if it does, please be kind.
I bought two guinea pig over 2 weeks ago, and I didn't realise that they had ringworm. I took them to the vet because I'm new to keeping guinea pigs as an adult so I'm not too experienced in this area.
It's been 2 weeks now and in those 2 weeks I've been treating them religiously. I did ditch the gloves after a week as I found it harder to rub into infected areas so I just made sure that I washed my hands afterwards. Anyway, the two crust spots each had on their face have not been crusty for ages and they have new baby hairs that have pretty much grown back into the areas so happy days! And they look healthy which is a win.
The thing that I want to ask because I have really bad GAD and OCD so I obsess over something too much when I see it; I googled Ringworm yesterday and I know it's contagious that's why I've been washing hands etc, but it showed pictures of people's heads saying Ringworm causes hair loss and in some cases permanent hair loss. I know Google is not the best place to go as it creates hypocondria but after stumbling on that, I am really scared I'm going to catch it on my scalp and lose my hair. I'm really scared because when I was handling my guinea pigs on Tuesday (didn't touch areas) before doing their treatment, I unknowingly went to touch my scalp and scratch, but then I stopped as soon as I touched my head. But now I'm worried because of what I've seen on Google that I've touched my scalp and now I'm going to get ringworm on my scalp and lose my hair and have to go through a long medication process. My vet said that I shouldn't have to worry too much as it's been 2 weeks and I've been fine and the hair has grown back, still be cautious, but not panic too much. I don't know, Google really made it sound really horrible and because I have no experience in Ringworm, I just wanted advice
I'm so sorry for the petty post I guess I just need some reassurance that it's not as bad as the internet makes out?
Please don’t apologise. It’s not a petty post. I haven’t got a clue, but I just wanted to say that to you! 🤣

For what it’s worth - I really think you would know by now if you had caught it. Hopefully someone will come by soon with more knowledge than me.

And we’ll done for nursing your wee piggies back to health, by the way! 🥰
Please don’t apologise. It’s not a petty post. I haven’t got a clue, but I just wanted to say that to you! 🤣

For what it’s worth - I really think you would know by now if you had caught it. Hopefully someone will come by soon with more knowledge than me.

And we’ll done for nursing your wee piggies back to health, by the way! 🥰
Thank you so much <3 I feel like I'd know by now surely. Also, the hair on those areas has pretty much grown back and they've had their shower with antifungal shampoos and their home is cleaned out every day with anti-fungal spray.

And thank you. They really are little characters <3
Please don't apologise. A lot of us on here myself included suffer from anxiety so completely understand. I think if you were going to catch ringworm from them, it would have happened by now. Just carry on practising good hygiene and well done for nursing your piggies back to health x
Please don't apologise. A lot of us on here myself included suffer from anxiety so completely understand. I think if you were going to catch ringworm from them, it would have happened by now. Just carry on practising good hygiene and well done for nursing your piggies back to health x
Thank you so much <3 I know it's horrible living with anxiety etc because I know I always obsess over certain things and then I need to seek reassurance because I panic, but then I feel stupid for doing it!

I think you're right though. I think it would have happened by now and not now when the hair has nearly grown back and the scabs have gone!
Thank you so much <3 I feel like I'd know by now surely. Also, the hair on those areas has pretty much grown back and they've had their shower with antifungal shampoos and their home is cleaned out every day with anti-fungal spray.

And thank you. They really are little characters <3
They’re lucky to have you to invest so much in them! I haven’t had mine long - just since May/June and they have surprised me at how full of character they are and so sweet!

Enjoy them! Xx
Hello KatherineAlice I can understand why you are worried. It’s really good you got in touch with us. We’re all here to support and offer advice …. It’s never a stupid question. We have all been worried etc with our piggies. There are always people here who have more experience.
I would think because you were practising good hygiene and the treatment was well into its second week that, as the Vet said be cautious but don’t panic. Google always show the worst case scenario. It’s always important to practise good hygiene around any of our pets and I think you probably do that.
Try to relax and enjoy those piggies. Well done for getting treatment so quickly for them🥰
You're doing great. Ringworm can be a nightmare but it sounds like you caught it early and treated it well and stopped the spread. Ringworm can lead to hair loss but I think it's usually like it is for piggies (a small area and it grows back once the infection is gone) I'm sure these rare cases do happen but there are many reasons people loose their hair and stress, other illness and OCD habits can all lead to hair loss and its hard to know what other factors were at play when you hear a story on the Internet of a person with ringworm that lost their hair.
Google does love a good horror story! I will share my embarrassing story in the hope that it offers some reassurance 🙂

I adopted a piggie with ringworm when I was a teenager and, while we were largely very lucky with spread and recovery... I got a patch on one cheek, right next to my ear. Even with that proximity to my scalp I had no issues with it spreading or any hair loss at all. It cleared up quickly with minimal fuss following treatment, bar the trauma of being a teenage girl with ringworm :))

I hasten to add that I got ringworm due to my own ignorance - I hadn't encountered it before, didn't know what it was, didn't know to watch for it with new piggies, and definitely hadn't known the good practices needed to prevent transmission. You sound very much like you're doing what you need to for both you and your piggies.

If I remember rightly from the forum guide, there's also an ingredient in anti dandruff shampoos that helps (I'm going to try and attach a screenshot). It might be that a simple shampoo swap for your regular hair wash could help ease your worries as well 🙂 I've not tried this myself - perhaps a forum expert or experienced member could check my understanding, just in case I'm giving out duff advice?


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Firstly welcome to the Forum - it's lovely to have you here.

And please don't worry about posting any and all questions on here.
You will always receive a kind and supportive reply.

You might find the ringworm guide helpful
Ringworm: Hygiene, Care And Pictures

And as hard as it is, please try not to worry about catching it yourself.
It sounds like you have followed good hygiene practice and caught it early.

In my time on this Forum I have seen literally 100's of people post about their piggies getting ringworm, and in all that time I ave never known a single person (even those that did get ringworm themselves) to get it on their scalp and lose their hair.

Part of the problem with google is that no once ever posts a story called' My guinea pig got ringworm and I was totally fine'.
I am sure you will be fine and we look forward to hearing more about your piggies.

I'd like to start this with saying I'm not advocating for you shaving your head. But I have psoriasis on my scalp, and about 4 years ago it had got so bad I had massive bald patches all over, and absolutely no treatment was easing it. So I said screw it, shaved it right back. It looked a bit patchy for a while, now you wouldn't even know. As with ringworm and other issues like it, it can look much worse than it is, but rarely is it permanent. You've said it yourself, your piggies have their fur back, why would your hair be any different?
I should also point out I still have psoriasis and at this point I still have all my hair. The issue from 4 years back is gone.

And, don't worry about sounding silly when posting questions either. I promise you we've all asked something daft at some stage, you'll be in good company.
Hello KatherineAlice I can understand why you are worried. It’s really good you got in touch with us. We’re all here to support and offer advice …. It’s never a stupid question. We have all been worried etc with our piggies. There are always people here who have more experience.
I would think because you were practising good hygiene and the treatment was well into its second week that, as the Vet said be cautious but don’t panic. Google always show the worst case scenario. It’s always important to practise good hygiene around any of our pets and I think you probably do that.
Try to relax and enjoy those piggies. Well done for getting treatment so quickly for them🥰
Thank you so so much 💖💖💖
Google does love a good horror story! I will share my embarrassing story in the hope that it offers some reassurance 🙂

I adopted a piggie with ringworm when I was a teenager and, while we were largely very lucky with spread and recovery... I got a patch on one cheek, right next to my ear. Even with that proximity to my scalp I had no issues with it spreading or any hair loss at all. It cleared up quickly with minimal fuss following treatment, bar the trauma of being a teenage girl with ringworm :))

I hasten to add that I got ringworm due to my own ignorance - I hadn't encountered it before, didn't know what it was, didn't know to watch for it with new piggies, and definitely hadn't known the good practices needed to prevent transmission. You sound very much like you're doing what you need to for both you and your piggies.

If I remember rightly from the forum guide, there's also an ingredient in anti dandruff shampoos that helps (I'm going to try and attach a screenshot). It might be that a simple shampoo swap for your regular hair wash could help ease your worries as well 🙂 I've not tried this myself - perhaps a forum expert or experienced member could check my understanding, just in case I'm giving out duff advice?
Awwh thank you so so much! I’ve been using head and shoulders on my own hair and using Nizoral on theirs :’) 💖
Firstly welcome to the Forum - it's lovely to have you here.

And please don't worry about posting any and all questions on here.
You will always receive a kind and supportive reply.

You might find the ringworm guide helpful
Ringworm: Hygiene, Care And Pictures

And as hard as it is, please try not to worry about catching it yourself.
It sounds like you have followed good hygiene practice and caught it early.

In my time on this Forum I have seen literally 100's of people post about their piggies getting ringworm, and in all that time I ave never known a single person (even those that did get ringworm themselves) to get it on their scalp and lose their hair.

Part of the problem with google is that no once ever posts a story called' My guinea pig got ringworm and I was totally fine'.
I am sure you will be fine and we look forward to hearing more about your piggies.
Thank you so much 💖💖💖 yeah you are completely right there actually, no one ever puts a good story on Google!
What an amazing job you’ve done looking after your new piggies, caring for them so well and treating the ringworm. I really wouldn’t worry too much, it’s very unlikely that you’ve caught ringworm on your head or anywhere else.
I caught ringworm once many years ago, it was very easily treated with an anti fungal from the doctors. It healed up completely within a couple of weeks. I’ve never heard of permanent hair loss. Back in the 40’s and 50’s kids used to catch it from each other (like nits) and their heads would be shaved and a blue coloured medication was put on the patches, nothing is done like that now as medicine has improved so much. They still treat cows with that medicine though 😆
Hi, just wanted to say I agree with what the others have said and that the chances are very very slim that you have caught it. I once had ringworm and it cleared up very quickly with simple treatment and didn't affect my scalp in any way. I also get panic attacks about health issues, both real and imagined. Seeking reassurance can be difficult but never petty.
Would love to see some pictures of your gorgeous piggies.
Hi, just wanted to say I agree with what the others have said and that the chances are very very slim that you have caught it. I once had ringworm and it cleared up very quickly with simple treatment and didn't affect my scalp in any way. I also get panic attacks about health issues, both real and imagined. Seeking reassurance can be difficult but never petty.
Would love to see some pictures of your gorgeous piggies.
Thank you so much for your kind words. It is hard seeking reassurance sometimes as you feel incredibly silly.

Here’s my piggies 🥰


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As a fellow anxiety sufferer, I completely understand. And you know what ringworm I’m humans is called? Athlete’s foot. It’s completely cureable with over the counter meds, and incredibly, incredibly common. I’ve lived in the same house, barefoot, with a ringworm sufferer my whole life and never once caught it.

Those are also some wonderful tribble-looking piggies
Well done for being vigilant and taking great care of your piggies. Please try not to worry as it is extremely unlikely that you have ringworm. I know it’s easier said than done. I suffer from anxiety and obsess over the slightest thing. You are not at all silly . Your piggies are gorgeous and are lucky to have such a great piggy parent
Well done for being vigilant and taking great care of your piggies. Please try not to worry as it is extremely unlikely that you have ringworm. I know it’s easier said than done. I suffer from anxiety and obsess over the slightest thing. You are not at all silly . Your piggies are gorgeous and are lucky to have such a great piggy parent
Thank you so much for all your kindness and support. It means so much to me. Thank you 💖