Playtime Problems

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When Mae and April come out at playtime Mae gets very annoyed with April. In the hutch they get on really will and adore eachother. They groom eachother, share food, sleep together, drink together, everything. But out of the cage Mae will headbutt April and April cries and will run over to me. What would cause this?
Thanks, Kt.
Just let them out there and Mae chased April around the boxes, into a tube, out the other side, and back...... April was making noises she usually makes when upset and I had to cuddle her. They're back in now, sharing hay..... I'm so confused, should I free range them separately?
by what you just said that sounds like they were playing,maybe wait for some members who are knowledgable on sows to come along because all i can put it down to is maybe some jelousy and playing xxxxx
I know it may sound like rat but my other piggies play chases, and these girls do in their pen, however when out if she catches up she head butts her and once nipped (no blood). I'm away to let other piggies out without this worry:))@)
Looks like Mae is trying to dominate April in the new territory! They have worked things out in the cage, but Mae seems to feel that the run deserves new sorting. Do you use it for other piggies as well?

Perhaps you can move things from their regular place into the run so it smell more like their territory? Rub a rug over the hutch and then over the pen, so it smells "right". Guinea pigs have a far stronger sense of smell, and new territory that smells of other piggies can throw them! They operate strictly on "us" and "them" and won't recognise a piggie that comes under "them", even if they'd lived together for several years!

Hopefully that will help. Keep us updated!
^ i agree. also a new environment with a lot of space will make them excited and playing might become a little rough. i know whenever my four have floortime baxter often ends up annoying everyone because his humping gets a little, shall we say "enthusiastic", lol. i would stop comforting your pig as well. this may be encouraging her to come to you every time your other pig tries to sort out a rank, and they obviously need to sort it out. just leave them to it and they'll settle into floortime by themselves.
Thanks guys.
Yes, I use it for 2 other groups, both of girls (oldies play in living room and boys in my bedroom) so I'm guessing it's possibly that too will do as suggested:) Many thanks

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