Play Time Question?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 13, 2010
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Hey guys,

I have 3 pairs of guinea pigs and i always get them out for floor time.

2 of my pairs absolutely love it and would stay in the pen for ages with all their different tunnels and toys but one pair Buttercup and Baby recently within the last two weeks have started to go over to the pen where they can see their cage and bite the bars and squeak until i put them back in their cage... i find it really bizarre because to begin with they popcorn and explore and seem to be having fun.

They seem to be really adamant when they want to go back and i don't want to leave them in there if they are unhappy... but at the same time i want them to have as much exercise as the others.

They have floor time the same time every evening after their veggies and nothing has changed that i can think of.

Do your piggies do this, should i leave them in, why do you think their doing this?

I've uploaded a video of them in their for you guys to look at,

My pigs don't enjoy floor time, i take them back and they just sit looking at their cage so i give up haha, the only time they enjoy being out is if their is food, or their outside on the grass, again because of the food! :mal: It's nice to know they love their cage so much though!
To try and get them to exercise though i've put them outside the room a few times and let them waddle all the way back to their cage just for a stretch of those piggy legs! But other than that they're just happier doing their own thing in their cage!
My pigs don't enjoy floor time, i take them back and they just sit looking at their cage so i give up haha, the only time they enjoy being out is if their is food, or their outside on the grass, again because of the food! :mal: It's nice to know they love their cage so much though!
To try and get them to exercise though i've put them outside the room a few times and let them waddle all the way back to their cage just for a stretch of those piggy legs! But other than that they're just happier doing their own thing in their cage!

Thanks twiams, they seem to enjoy the pen for about twenty minutes so I'll still get them out, but it's good to know your piggies aren't too keen on it either! :)
I put mine in the run outside and eventually they did run around bit and enjoy it. The run upstairs is a pain as they just sit or hide and don't move about at all. However if I let them free range in my room (a mare to tidy up from) they have a completely different attitude. all interested and happy but unfortunately pooing and weeing for England so it isn't practical!
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