Plantar fasciitis

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
West Cornwall
It's come back in my right foot >:( >:( >:(

Going to have another steroid injection next week.

It really gets me down, and spoils the running. I have had it for about five years on and off.

Anyone else have it?
sounds like a plant or flower what is it exactly? I have many problems not sure that is one of them lol give me time though
Lucinda said:
I have had it for about five years on and off.

Anyone else have it?

hmm.. well... ermmm... LOL :P :P

Oh the foot thing... erm nope, can't walk let alone run so guess, nope! ;) LOL seriously, hope it gets better soon love, get that yummy ana-whatsit to sort it! ;)
I've never had it but it sounds 'orrible. Hope your injection gets it sorted out :)
I have had bouts of severe pain in my heel. Absolutely agony when you first get out of bed in the morning. You literally have to brace yourself for the pain! Is that the same sort of thing? Mine went on for about six months and then started to improve. I still get pain on and off but nothing like how it was to start with.
Sounds like it, Debbie. Getting out of bed is agony. If it happens again try to get a steroid injection.
Usually a sports injury, could be bad shoes or posture. Can also be linked to problems with the Achilles. Mine is at the moment.
OUCH just read up on it, you poor thing sounds like bloody agony.

I google'd it, they say rest will help a little, seems your Doc knows what to do tho.

Take care and stop chasing those piggies around, maybe that's what did it ;D
I think it was more likely the running ;D ;D ;D

I dare not stop because my legs will seize up. I went yesterday and it was terrible. Today has been so bad I didn't go.
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