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Pink Slime coming out of bottom!


New Born Pup
Feb 28, 2025
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I was holding one of my guinea pigs (female age 5) and suddenly she urinated (all normal) but then after some pink slime came out. I'm so confused as I've never seen that before in her or my other pig. Help! I'm so worried!
I do have a picture of the slime if anyone wants to see.
Welcome to the forum

It would be best if you could call your vet about it - they may want to see her and check all is well.

I hope she is ok
Welcome to the forum

It would be best if you could call your vet about it - they may want to see her and check all is well.

I hope she is ok
Yes I am booking her an appointment with them now! Thank you :)
She seems okay in herself, alert and eating / drinking fine, just this weird slime 🤢
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Good luck at the vets. I hope it’s something easily sorted.
I was holding one of my guinea pigs (female age 5) and suddenly she urinated (all normal) but then after some pink slime came out. I'm so confused as I've never seen that before in her or my other pig. Help! I'm so worried!
I do have a picture of the slime if anyone wants to see.

Hi and welcome

You may want to check with your vet. Please take a picture as these things are often a one-off event.

It could be that a little bit of the mucus barrier at the exit of the caecum, which retains most of the digestive microbiome in the digestive tract, has slipped through.
The mucus could however also come from the reproductive tract (ovarian cysts or womb) in sows, which is generally more serious.

Unfortunately, we can only guess.
Hi and welcome

You may want to check with your vet. Please take a picture as these things are often a one-off event.

It could be that a little bit of the mucus barrier at the exit of the caecum, which retains most of the digestive microbiome in the digestive tract, has slipped through.
The mucus could however also come from the reproductive tract (ovarian cysts or womb) in sows, which is generally more serious.

Unfortunately, we can only guess.
It is not normal for mucus coming from sows' reproductive tract is a sign of cysts?
If you can get a photo that will help you vet when they check her over. Hope you can get some answers at the vets.
It is not normal for mucus coming from sows' reproductive tract is a sign of cysts?


I hope that you have taken a photo to show your vet so they can get a clearer idea is of what is going on?

As much as your anxiety is craving instant answers and is quite obviously already homing in on potential worst case scenarios, we cannot anticipate a veterinary examination and careful consideration of the hands-on/scan findings by sheer guessing, I am very sorry to say.
Unfortunately, we cannot tell you what exactly is going on sight unseen; we can only tell you when you'd best see a vet and show up potential avenues to pursue with your vet depending on their actual findings upon an examination. Health issues rarely work out like 1 symptom = 1 specific health issue; the reality is a lot more complex and very often a lot more like detective work for your vet than that.

Wishing you all the best. Please see a vet next week during regular hours if you haven't yet got an appointment.

I hope that you have taken a photo to show your vet so they can get a clearer idea is of what is going on?

As much as your anxiety is craving instant answers and is quite obviously already homing in on potential worst case scenarios, we cannot anticipate a veterinary examination and careful consideration of the hands-on/scan findings by sheer guessing, I am very sorry to say.
Unfortunately, we cannot tell you what exactly is going on sight unseen; we can only tell you when you'd best see a vet and show up potential avenues to pursue with your vet depending on their actual findings upon an examination. Health issues rarely work out like 1 symptom = 1 specific health issue; the reality is a lot more complex and very often a lot more like detective work for your vet than that.

Wishing you all the best. Please see a vet next week during regular hours if you haven't yet got an appointment.
Hi we have an appointment booked and yes I took a photo to show the vets. Thank you :)
Hi we have an appointment booked and yes I took a photo to show the vets. Thank you :)

All the best! Please let us know on this your ongoing support threat how you get on. We are here for you for moral support and any practical care tips along the way if any treatment is necessary.

PS: For keeping an ongoing personalised support thread running, we recommend that you bookmark it so you can pick it up easily again. It helps both sides if developing cases are kept in one thread, and it also helps with future searches if you can follow a case from start to finish. Unlike social media, we do not rely on the number of started threads and can let them run for as long as needed since the 1 case = 1 thread method works best for us. It also helps us to personalise the support we give both you and your piggy if everything is kept together and we can if needed refresh our memory about what has already been said and done/ruled out if necessary as we jump between lots of threads in a day.
Thanks everyone who commented. We've seen a vet and unfortunately has a quite a big mass in her abdomen. We have an ultrasound for her tomorrow to see whether it could be a build up of feces or a tumor. She doesn't seem in pain but has started dripping blood constantly from her anus about a day before the appointment was due so they fitted us in for an urgent appointment. Fingers crossed it is a build up of feces because they've assured me it can be solved. If it's cancer we aren't so sure :( One good thing is that she isn't in pain and is still eating / drinking / pooping normally. Giving her lots of love an attention. 💕
Thanks everyone who commented. We've seen a vet and unfortunately has a quite a big mass in her abdomen. We have an ultrasound for her tomorrow to see whether it could be a build up of feces or a tumor. She doesn't seem in pain but has started dripping blood constantly from her anus about a day before the appointment was due so they fitted us in for an urgent appointment. Fingers crossed it is a build up of feces because they've assured me it can be solved. If it's cancer we aren't so sure :( One good thing is that she isn't in pain and is still eating / drinking / pooping normally. Giving her lots of love an attention. 💕


Good that you have been able to have her seen so promptly when she started bleeding properly.

I am keeping my fingers very firmly crossed for your girl and you.
Welcome to the forum.
Glad you’ve been able to get a vet appointment so promptly.
Hope all goes well and there’s nothing to worry about
Thanks everyone who commented. We've seen a vet and unfortunately has a quite a big mass in her abdomen. We have an ultrasound for her tomorrow to see whether it could be a build up of feces or a tumor. She doesn't seem in pain but has started dripping blood constantly from her anus about a day before the appointment was due so they fitted us in for an urgent appointment. Fingers crossed it is a build up of feces because they've assured me it can be solved. If it's cancer we aren't so sure :( One good thing is that she isn't in pain and is still eating / drinking / pooping normally. Giving her lots of love an attention. 💕
Good luck for tomorrow 🤞🏻 ☘️
Just a thought ,but ask the vet to check if the lump in her abdomen could be an ovarian cyst?

One of my RB girls Ellie had a walnut sized ovarian cyst (discovered by conscious ultrasound) which caused her to keep getting urinary tract infections (UTI's) with diluted blood in her wee (pink). Then she started bleeding (concentrated/red blood) from her genital area which seems similar to your little piggy .

My 6yr old Ellie, had 2x batches of 2x chorulon (HCG) hormone injections, she only had 1 bad bleed afterwards. Within a few weeks the cyst had reduced in size so much it could hardly be felt at all by the vet.
About a year later she had her second batch of 2x injections which helped again.

There doesn't seem to be any particular negative side effects to the injections.but they either work well on some cysts or they just don't work at all.

If you need any more info after you've seen the vet feel free to ask if it is an ovarian cyst.
Healing vibes to your little girl, hope it's something easily sorted:wub:
& a big hug for you too! :hug:xx
Good luck for tomorrow 🤞🏻 ☘️
Just a thought ,but ask the vet to check if the lump in her abdomen could be an ovarian cyst?

One of my RB girls Ellie had a walnut sized ovarian cyst (discovered by conscious ultrasound) which caused her to keep getting urinary tract infections (UTI's) with diluted blood in her wee (pink). Then she started bleeding (concentrated/red blood) from her genital area which seems similar to your little piggy .

My 6yr old Ellie, had 2x batches of 2x chorulon (HCG) hormone injections, she only had 1 bad bleed afterwards. Within a few weeks the cyst had reduced in size so much it could hardly be felt at all by the vet.
About a year later she had her second batch of 2x injections which helped again.

There doesn't seem to be any particular negative side effects to the injections.but they either work well on some cysts or they just don't work at all.

If you need any more info after you've seen the vet feel free to ask if it is an ovarian cyst.
Healing vibes to your little girl, hope it's something easily sorted:wub:
& a big hug for you too! :hug:xx
Thank you so much for this advice. I definitely will ask about ovarian cysts and the injections if it turns out to be one.

The blood had become very concentrated and occasionally contains little clots (which she strains to get out). Piggy doesn't seem in pain and the appointment is early tomorrow but I'm so hesitant to leave her and go to sleep because of this increase in concentrated blood and the appearance of clots. - I'm trying to be positive but definitely preparing for the worst, I'm super worried about her :(

Vet said the mass was around 4cm (not sure if this is walnut size haha) and that he hopes it's some sort of impaction of old feces but will only find out this tomorrow.

Thanks for all the support and love to my piggy and I. Am giving her lots of snuggles 💕
Thank you everyone who has supported us over these last few days. Unfortunately the ultrasound showed both uterine and abdominal cancerous tumours.

It was very sad but my sweet piggy Penguin had to be put down, it wasn't fair to prolong her suffering. I am devastated but in her condition it was the kindest thing to do.
I am so very sorry you had to let her cross The Rainbow Bridge 🌈 it was a decision made with love and she will know that. Popcorn happily sweet girl in fields of all of your favourite treats🌈
I’m so sorry that you had to help Penguin over the rainbow bridge. Popcorn high little one. ❤️
So sorry that you had to help your piggy cross the rainbow bridge. Sleep tight little one. 🌈 💕