Good luck for tomorrow

Just a thought ,but ask the vet to check if the lump in her abdomen could be an ovarian cyst?
One of my RB girls Ellie had a walnut sized ovarian cyst (discovered by conscious ultrasound) which caused her to keep getting urinary tract infections (UTI's) with diluted blood in her wee (pink). Then she started bleeding (concentrated/red blood) from her genital area which seems similar to your little piggy .
My 6yr old Ellie, had 2x batches of 2x chorulon (HCG) hormone injections, she only had 1 bad bleed afterwards. Within a few weeks the cyst had reduced in size so much it could hardly be felt at all by the vet.
About a year later she had her second batch of 2x injections which helped again.
There doesn't seem to be any particular negative side effects to the injections.but they either work well on some cysts or they just don't work at all.
If you need any more info after you've seen the vet feel free to ask if it is an ovarian cyst.
Healing vibes to your little girl, hope it's something easily sorted

& a big hug for you too!
