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Pink pee?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 14, 2021
Reaction score
Reading, England

When I was cleaning out the piggies this morning and I noticed there was some pee that was slightly pink In there inside area. I forgot to take a picture sorry. There 6-7 months old. I don’t know which Guinea pig it is or if it is both of them What would of caused this as I’ve always noticed there pee being dark yellow before. Since yesterday they got through a half a bottle of water as well. When they don’t usually drink that much. Although I thought this might of just been because of weather getting colder.

When I was cleaning out the piggies this morning and I noticed there was some pee that was slightly pink In there inside area. I forgot to take a picture sorry. There 6-7 months old. I don’t know which Guinea pig it is or if it is both of them What would of caused this as I’ve always noticed there pee being dark yellow before. Since yesterday they got through a half a bottle of water as well. When they don’t usually drink that much. Although I thought this might of just been because of weather getting colder.


Please keep an eye out over the coming week. It could be the very beginnings of a urinary tract infection or cystitis. Symptoms are very off and on during the first days but should become more clear and consistent within the next 5-7 days. See a vet if or when this happens so they have a sound basis for a diagnosis.

Right now, all you can do is wait and see whether it is a one-off or other whether there is more to it.
Wishing you all the best.
Hi, it could be blood in the pee? I would take them to a vet to get them checked, they can do a simply initial test to find out.

It may also be something simple, one of mine has permanent pink pee due to her chemical make up, it comes out clear and then goes pink within a few minutes when it hits the air. We have her regularly tested and its something to do with iron in her blood I think, I cannot remember the exact reason but its nothing to be worried about. But to be sure get them checked though and hopefully its very simple.

I see you are in Reading (not far from me). Jenny Towers in Bracknell is an excellent guinea pig vet who I would recommend strongly. She will be able to advise. Bracknell

Please keep an eye out over the coming week. It could be the very beginnings of a urinary tract infection or cystitis. Symptoms are very off and on during the first days but should become more clear and consistent within the next 5-7 days. See a vet if or when this happens so they have a sound basis for a diagnosis.

Right now, all you can do is wait and see whether it is a one-off or other whether there is more to it.
Wishing you all the best.
Thanks. Just to double check, is there any other veg that can change colour of pee? (I know beetroot can but they haven’t had that recently) what other symptoms would be helpful too look out for in the next week. ?
Thanks. Just to double check, is there any other veg that can change colour of pee? (I know beetroot can but they haven’t had that recently) what other symptoms would be helpful too look out for in the next week. ?


At this stage it is impossible for us to say what is going on past idle and not exactly helpful speculation. I know that waiting is not easy when you want clear answers but they are simply not always there to give.

Once you see more reddish pees and get squeaking when peeing or pooing, you are more obviously dealing with a developing urinary tract issue, whether that is a stone/sludge or an infection (bacterial or sterile) of some sort. You won't be able to miss that. ;)
Hi - it's always a worry isn't it!
My George had pee which looked very dark one time and I thought it was blood. He'd had a UTI in the past which I had only noticed because he was constantly wet underneath from dripping. However, on this occasion it turned out that normal pee had simply oxidised in the air to a scary colour. I didn't realise until I was trying to get a sample for the vet (by sitting him in a plastic bowl and then waiting... come on George!) and the sample looked pale yellow in the little bottle. I put it in the fridge overnight and the next morning it was a horrifying dark orange! I still took him in for a check - he was clear - but what a scare!

Trying pressing a piece of white toilet paper or kitchen towel on a fresh pee patch to get a better idea of the colour.

If it helps my indoor pigs are also drinking for England at the minute because we've put the central heating on for the cold weather and it seems to make them thirstier. I'm drinking more myself!