Pine bedding?

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I have heard that pine chips should not be used in piggins cages. I have recently been offered a large amount of chips from a friend whos rat died and was wondering if anyone has ever heard of such a thing? It's all natural pince chips, canadian born and raised! Anyone know what could go wrong?
I only use towels ::) so can't help you there.... but do a search in here and put in 'pine chips' and see if it tells you :)
i'll have a go and see what i can find for you O0
I really would not use pine chips no matter how "good" they are it may be fine for rats but personally I use Carefresh bedding for my little piggy firend. oh, and cedar is also NOT a good thing for piggys. some people on here use megazorb but i have never come across it (maybe I am just not looking hard enough) but this is just my opinion that I don;t think pine shavings or chips are good for guinea pigs. Just my opinion. ;)
Megazorb is a UK product I don't think its available in other countries
some people on here use woodshavings but not pine,all proffesional advice is not to use pine. but many of us don't use shavings. it's supposed to be bad to use, and woodshavings is a big no no to use for rats too, as it could causes respitary problems.
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