Pigtures of my pigs!

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Just took some AWESOME pigtures of the pigs!
I took a ton of Angus coz he was doing really well ;D but most of the pics turned out a bit blurry :(
And although it looks like it there was no food bribing envolved :o LMAO

Here they are:







Awwwwh nice heehee

Hey I know a way you could make them not blury.

You know when you're taking pictures, make sure you have plenty of light but not too much heehee
Thats the way I do it anyways, or I put the camara on a timer and stand it on something :)

:smitten: lovely pictures though, good work O0
Yer I think I had way too much light ;D
The worst thing is they look fine on the camera... but when theyre on the computer they go blurry :(

I'm going to go do some more and post the results ::)

Wish me luck ;D
Remember you're trying for a white background...if it turns out cream, use photo shop to edit it O0

What type of camera do you have? Doesn't it have auto focus?
Um I have a Kodak CD43 camera... not sure if it has auto focus... maybe I am taking the photos before it focuses ?
I dont have photoshop :-\ but thats amazing what you did to that photo :D
Perhaps try and take pictures closer up of your guineas instead of so much background...it might be trying to focus on the background instead of the guineas...just a thought
:) thanks heaps... ill go try that now :)

er... also... Should I have the ISO on a high or low setting?
baby-wilson said:
:) thanks heaps... ill go try that now :)

er... also... Should I have the ISO on a high or low setting?

Fairly high, you also need to press the shutter button half way down first which should then make it focus and then you can press the button all the way down to take the pic O0
Also aswell, try and focus on your guineas' faces. See in this picture that the back end of Guinea is blurred, but it make him stand out as the back ground it slightly blurred too


You can also use 2 lamps to brighten up your setting, this will make it easier for your camera to focus O0
Guinea-Tia-Flossie said:
Also aswell, try and focus on your guineas' faces. See in this picture that the back end of Guinea is blurred, but it make him stand out as the back ground it slightly blurred too


You can also use 2 lamps to brighten up your setting, this will make it easier for your camera to focus O0

ooh, do you mind if i PM you some questions about photographing piggies?
Oh yer :) I get it now ;D

Well I got some piccies... will post them when photobucket loads ::)

I am using one lamp at the moment... coming in from the front :)
Heres some of the piccies I took :)
These were the best two I got... the others were blurry :(
So ill go back and try again with the light either further away or coming from behind ? what do you think is best?


Awwwwwwwwwwwwww BW they're great, :o :o :o :o :o what happened to the mini's? they've grown sooo much :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Angus you little poser, i love the way he's looking at you and then obviously tries for the 'mummy do you like this side or THIS side?' :smitten: ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

PIGGIE LIPS ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :-* :-* :-*
;D yep Angus is a definate poser ;D
The babies are so big :'( growing constantly they wont stop! :D

hehe I tried to get as many piggy lips for you as possible :D

I tried again... wth the light a bit further away...



Got more pics... stil blurry though :-\

GTF - what camera do you use? Or what camera would you suggest?




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