Junior Guinea Pig
Wasn't sure whether to put this in food or behaviour. My two boars are wheeking substantially more since the weather has gotten colder. I am wondering whether pigs get hungrier in winter because they use more energy keeping themselves warm, perhaps? Alternatively, could they be wheeking for something else e.g. attention/cuddle/wanting to go for a walk out of the cage? I am feeding them the same amount as normal but have been giving them a little bit extra in the way of treats when I feel guilty because I am worried they are hungry. Also not only has the frequency of the wheeking increased, so too has the average intensity of it. Should I feed them a bit extra (veg/pellets/both?) and see if that calms them down or would that be like, pandering to them and they don't need any more? Do your pigs eat more in winter or seem more hungry when it's cold?