Hi all, My wife has had 2 guinea pigs for about 1 year now and they have lived in perfect harmony, no problems at all, they are both male. So passing a pet shop 2 weeks ago we saw 2 very young males for sale and decided to purchase them to add to our 2 at home. For 1 week we kept them in seperate cages where they could smell and see each through the bars and introduction time and playtime in a neutral area on the floor. No problems happened at all in the first week so we decided to let all 4 be together, first few days no problems, now all of a sudden the 2 older males are chattering teeth at each other all the time. This morning the 2 older ones clashed again only this time a little blood was drawn. We have taken the 2 small ones out, just to see if it is purely the small ones in the cage causing this, but again they are still chattering teeth. in the other cage the 2 small ones are chattering teeth at each other. So now we have 4 pigs and all they want to do is fiight. Please advice us, have we ruined the harmony and friendship with our first 2 piggies ?