Adult Guinea Pig
So Effie has always been a really timid pig since the day we rescued her. She has definitely gained some confidence over time but she's still not a confident girl. When she used to have floor time with Milan, she would mainly follow him around, but seemed to enjoy it. Milan passed away and she now has new friend Flo, who we rescued almost 2 months ago. When we get them out for floor time, Flo tends to just stay under a hidey or burrow in the hay tray that we put out with them. Shes not typically a nervous pig, but doesnt seem comfortable yet to really go exploring and having fun. Effie just sticks with flo hiding as she would only ever follow Milan round when he was here.
Should I keep persevering? Will they eventually enjoy floor time? Is there anything I can do to make it more comfortable for them to want to go exploring? Thanks
Should I keep persevering? Will they eventually enjoy floor time? Is there anything I can do to make it more comfortable for them to want to go exploring? Thanks