Pigs Coming Sunday.. Checklist?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire
Right so... we are off to adopt 2 piggies on Sunday (hopefully) from Tameside rescue.. I think I've got everything we need.. Not entirely sure though so folks please let me know if I have forgotten something.
hutch and run
food bowls and water bottles X 2
hay (meadow hay?)
nugget food
hay rack
open ended tubes
snuggle sacks x 2
fleecey bed things x 2
couple of toys and gnawing things..

I think that's it, not entirely sure..
We have lots of little cardboard boxes ready that we are goign to build some hideys with for the outdoor run lol
Hi! You may find our starter kit of information for new owners helpful to hopefully have a smooth start.

Please be aware that a hay based diet is vital in keeping the crucial back teeth ground down evenly and the guts going at full speed. If that is the case, the front teeth are self-sharpening. Chewing toys are not needed and are usually ignored, so don't be disappointed if that is the case! You can find detailed information on a good diet via the link below.
" Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners
Thank you knew there'd be one of those somewhere easn't sure where it was though .. good work x

You can find our information threads at the top of each care section. it may be worth having a snoop around in a quiet moment! ;)
i would try & steer clear of sawdust if you can as bedding, just that it can get into their eyes easily irritating them & also some owners experience respiritory issues using wood based products, something to do with the wood reacting with the piggies urine & giving off a vapour/chemical reaction.

i use a base of newspaper with a thick layer of crosscut shredded paper on it, although there is auboise & fitch that could be used in an outdoor cage. some piggies dont get on with my setup but it works for us, its personnal choice though, no rights or wrongs.

heres a link for some bedding pro's & cons
Bedding For Guinea Pigs - Overview

i usually have a few big handfuls of hay put on top of the paper they can eat or sleep on it & some for just eating in the hayrack.

ps looking forwards to seeing pics of your new guineas :))
i would try & steer clear of sawdust if you can as bedding, just that it can get into their eyes easily irritating them & also some owners experience respiritory issues using wood based products, something to do with the wood reacting with the piggies urine & giving off a vapour/chemical reaction.

i use a base of newspaper with a thick layer of crosscut shredded paper on it, although there is auboise & fitch that could be used in an outdoor cage. some piggies dont get on with my setup but it works for us, its personnal choice though, no rights or wrongs.

heres a link for some bedding pro's & cons
Bedding For Guinea Pigs - Overview

i usually have a few big handfuls of hay put on top of the paper they can eat or sleep on it & some for just eating in the hayrack.

ps looking forwards to seeing pics of your new guineas :))

Hello thanks for the reply, yep the sawdust is jsut a temporary measure, have got fitch on order not sure whether it will arrive in time but thank you :) x
Glad they are settling in :) How are they getting on now, looking forward to seeing photos in the future
They seem to be settling ok yeah, eating everything put in their bowls, I laid out there for a while yesterday in the sunshine read a bit of a book to them from a distance.. they came and ate from the bowls whilst I was out there put some grass in the wire of the hutch they took that too whilst I was there .. Iid offered them some apple from my hand laying it flat on the hutch floor for 10 minutes near the opening of the hidey but neither of them took it from me.. taking it slowly, plan is to get them in their run over the next few days although the weahter's turned awful now guessing they wont want to be out in the rain? Can they eat mushrooms? A freind came over the other day and made tea she bought mushrooms, no one in my house eats them though so I've a fridge full and no use for them.. Waiting to see if the rain stops in the next half hour then I'll go do the pooop scoop and give them some pellets. They are definately lots calmer when I do their clean out
They seem to be settling ok yeah, eating everything put in their bowls, I laid out there for a while yesterday in the sunshine read a bit of a book to them from a distance.. they came and ate from the bowls whilst I was out there put some grass in the wire of the hutch they took that too whilst I was there .. Iid offered them some apple from my hand laying it flat on the hutch floor for 10 minutes near the opening of the hidey but neither of them took it from me.. taking it slowly, plan is to get them in their run over the next few days although the weahter's turned awful now guessing they wont want to be out in the rain? Can they eat mushrooms? A freind came over the other day and made tea she bought mushrooms, no one in my house eats them though so I've a fridge full and no use for them.. Waiting to see if the rain stops in the next half hour then I'll go do the pooop scoop and give them some pellets. They are definately lots calmer when I do their clean out

:vom: no dont give them the mushrooms, at best i dont think they'll do them any good & i think they are poisonous/toxic for guinea pigs as they are a type of fungus.

they are rather gorgeous looking piggies :luv:
can't wait to see more of these lovely boys, welcome to their new forever home & congratulations on becoming a piggy slave :nod:

Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading

try this food list it has an extensive amount of food info on it. xx
Thanks for that I won't give them any then lol just about to go out and do their teas.. there's only me and 2 children at home dont use a hugs variety of veg, daily they are recieving pepper (different colours), celery, brocolli stalks grass then occasionally they get some carrot or fruit twice a week.. do I need to be changing what they recieve daily? or does that seem ok?
sounds ok to me, have a look through the link i attached to my last post & see if theres anything else fruit & veg wise that you & the children like, it will give a bit more variety for you & them lol!
i like to give mine a variety, but they do have their favourites. just steer clear of lots of foods with a high calcium content, especially all at once eg, kale, but give them it as a treat food by all means (calcium rich foods can contribute to bladder stones & sludge).
With them eating all their food... I put about 100 grams of veg in (split between 2 bowls) at morning time and pellets in at tea time roughly 60 grams the boys are 14 weeks and 9 months old is this enough they devour it all.. Are they the type of animal that will just eat whatever you offer them?
Thanks for that I won't give them any then lol just about to go out and do their teas.. there's only me and 2 children at home dont use a hugs variety of veg, daily they are recieving pepper (different colours), celery, brocolli stalks grass then occasionally they get some carrot or fruit twice a week.. do I need to be changing what they recieve daily? or does that seem ok?

We have got a detailed list here as to what can they how often: Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet
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