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Pigs ate plastic! Help!


New Born Pup
Jun 14, 2023
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

So I just discovered that this ball was too close to my pigs cage and they chewed this hole in it. It’s very thin plastic (it’s basically a giant inflatable ball, so almost the plastic of like a pool float but maybe even thinner). The hole is about the size of a tennis ball, maybe a tad bit smaller.

Do you think this will cause an issue if it was ingested? I’m really nervous. It’ll probably pass through but I have two pigs and have never had them eat something like this and I feel like a bad parent for letting them access it 🥺

I don’t even know which one ate it
Hello and welcome to the forum. I think they will be ok. My piggies once ate a large piece of a black refuse bag whilst I was cleaning them out. I’d keep a close eye on them for a day or two.

What are they called. Feel free to post a picture or two. We love piggy pictures here.
I don’t even know which one ate it

This is probably a good sign - because if you don't know it's because neither of them are acting "off" or ill. My Jake once ate a plastic bowl overnight, and aside from never being allowed a plastic bowl ever again he had no ill effects. And Bann's chewed my dustpan on a few occasions too. Just keep an eye to them both, but don't panic.