Piggys Acting Strange

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 16, 2017
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i got two guinea pigs from the pets shop around 5-6 weeks ago now they were around 10 weeks old at the time. They checked them both over and checked they were both females, one of them really doesn't like to be lifted up to check so she was really squirmy. Anyways today they are acting very strange, they are particularly vocal and purring at each other a lot. The brown one beryl( the squirmy one) keep sniffing blanches bum and chasing her round trying to mount her, Blanche seems to be kind of lifting her bum up tho as if presenting herself to beryl. I'm quite worried now that as beryl was so squirmy that she's maybe actually a boy. I don't want any baby piggies but I have no clue how to tell the difference between male and female. If I try and take pictures would anyone be able to help me?
Also I know the brown one has a bold patch on her leg she had ringworm which she is currently being treated for


They are both very definitely sows, but one of them is having a stronger season. It can take new owners by surprise when their sows start rumblestrutting (mild dominancy behaviour) and mounting each other. But it is good that you are asking for confirmation.

You can find out more about sow behaviour here: Sow Behaviour

We have got a collection of guides for new owners that addresses the most often asked questions in combination to some important need to know information to prevent problems down the line.
New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit
Thank you so much, it's a relief to know they are both girls
They are definitely both females, which is a relief for you! :) Sometimes girls will chase each other around and do some courtship/mounting behaviors when they are in season or to settle dominance issues between them. One of the pigs is probably in season and it should settle down in a few days. Some pigs react more to hormones than others and some seasons are more noticeable than others.
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