Piggy wont drink!

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Dec 21, 2009
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Sudbury Suffolk
Hiya, i've had my rehomed pig for just under a month now, he has his own big cage, loads of fruit n veg but i still havent seen him drink at all. When i got my first pig he was the same, very shy eating and drinking infront of people, but eventually he had to drink! Pickles is taking far longer and it still hasnt happened yet, i'v put the water bottle against his mouth so hes kinda been shown how to drink.

is this normal? ?/
He's probably getting a lot of water through the fruit and veg, so if concerned perhaps provide some extra slices of cucumber? But, yes it may take time for him to discover the water bottle, but as soon as he's thirsty, I'm he's sure to take to the bottle.
Our pig is not a big drinker but gets lots of moisture through her veges,you could give extra cucumber as suggested above if worried. Also we make sure that her veges are soaking wet when we put them in.
my pig elphie hardly ever drinks,but i wash all her lettuce to give her water and she has plenty of cucumber and shes does well with just that
Cedric had no clue how to use the bottle, so we have a bowl of water in his cage. You have to be extremely diligent about keeping it clean, but I have seen him drink from it :)
Our pigs were the same when we first got them, they didn't drink for weeks, but they got plenty of veggies etc so i wasnt bothered.

You could try moving the water bottle, he might be curious then thinking whats this, it wasn't here before and he might start to use it, maybe put it near his hay. Not near his bed though incase it leaks.
I have two piggies and neither of them would touch the water bottle....until they were on antibiotics recently, and I popped some probiotic in their water, and now Squeak can't get enough of the stuff! Pudding's still not a big drinker, but he must be getting enough water from his veggies.

PS - I got the probiotic from Pets @ Home.
Dylan our neutered boar seemed to stop drinking after he was seperated from Chewie after their fight. It was weeks before we saw him having a go at the bottle. Now he's in with our sows Bramble and Clover he thinks he's IT. Makes as much noise out of taking a drink as he can manage. Sometimes can't hear the telly above the racket!
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