Piggy wives

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Sep 26, 2011
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I was wondering again:

Since I have two boys and would like to have more piggies in the future, what if I were to take in neutered rescue females and spitting the boys up with a wife each? Basically then I wouldn't need to put my boys through an operation and would be offering a forever home for two rescue piggies that had already been neutered.

Is this common? Is this ok to do?

Last night my boyfriend and I were trying to work out guinea pig noises, we had the 'app' that a member suggested and we were playing it, all of a sudden my boars started going crazy - they were desperately trying to call out to what they thought were other piggies. I felt so bad, we just weren't thinking at the time! I realised then, that maybe the reason my boys had taken time to settle is because they've been used to having lots and lots of piggies around them and hearing constant noises.

Surprisingly though, for the first time last night I managed to get a cuddle from them :)) I think maybe they wanted out so they could have a good nosey around for any lady friends! :))

Haha. :) It would be possible to put them with spayed females, however there is only one rescue in the UK that spays routinly and this is because it is a big opperation in comparison to neutering. If you search spay on the forum you will see how some of the recent pggies spayed on here have had complications.

The rescue that spays is in rugby.
Ohh ok, so maybe then it's just about letting rescue know that I'm available to offer a forever home for any spayed females that come their way.

It is a big decision to take on two more when I've only had mine for a couple of weeks, but it's deffinitely something I want to do after Christmas.

I'd love to get a peruvian and an Aby. drool

Guess having the word out means that rescues could contact me. :))
I know you want more.. (and trust me i understand that) but why could you not get another pair of males to live in a seperate cage beside your boys? (or even a pair of girls to live somewhere the boys cant see them?) I'm just thinking that might be easier than opperations and new bonding. :)

I know suzy has lots of sows atm, and she was doing a trip up the M4, (maybe you could meet her somewhere?) - I'm not sure if it already happened though. :)

I think I was thinking that:
Boars can fall out so I'm keen to ensure that doesn't happen - whereas I've heard that one boar and sow (or numerous sows) live together very harmoniously? Is this right?

Already I can hear rumblings and see dominance displays. Luckily it's pretty clear to see that Manny is the dominant one, but I'm wondering how long will Floyd let that go on for, especially as he seems to get trampled on by Manny a fair bit! They have bonded and I can see that Manny is very very protective over Floyd, which is totally gorgeous to watch but I am worried about dreaded puberty kicking in, hehe.

But, if I were to get more boys and one set were to fall out, I'd have a real space issue on my hands regarding how to seperate. Then I might end up in a situation where I'd have to get six guinea pigs in three seperate cages, so no one is left alone :{

My flat isn't big enough for me to home two sows far enough away that my boars wouldn't get wiff of their scent, I wouldn't be able to offer floor time etc as I could only do this in the living room and that's where the boys are.

So it's really down to these issues. Of course I don't have to get more, I can just play it by ear. I'm not in a massive rush to take on more guinea's, especially before Christmas. I'm a guinea pig beginner so I probably should take it one step at a time ")

But if I could get sows and they live happily together then I can do the c&c cage side by side trick - if that would work?

I'm probably getting way too far ahead of myself! And I should just concentrate on the two that I have. That's exactly what my Mum and my boyfriend have been telling me so far :red I just want to make sure they have the best life possible within the limits of what I can afford and what space I have to offer so I'm thinking of what's the best life I can give them to make sure their time with me is absolutely brilliant.

I can't help feeling that coming from a massive piggy home with lots and lots of other piggies, they might just be that bit miserable only having each other and no girlfriend to wine and dine with :rose

You can tell me if I'm being ridiculous inbreeding hehe
Honestly? I have a pair of boys. There was a point when i first got them, that i thought they would fall out, but they are now 1 year old, and so far... nothing! :) They are very well bonded. I dont think they would be without eachother. Male female pairs are more stable, but again thats only if they get on. I think that unless you have real problems with your boy pair, i would leave them together. If you choose to get neutered sows, then you would have to get more neutered sows when they pass away, this would be veryyy tricky as they are like gold dust. :) If you choose to go down the wifey route i would suggest you get your boys neutered.
I know you eventually want to expand, but you yourself have said you dont have space for more than two pairs, which means you dont reaallyyy have space for more than 4 piggies. Why not just get another bonded male pair of rescues? Seems much easier. Wait and see how your boys get on. :)
Yeah you are right. Honestly, at the moment I don't have enough space for more than four piggies. I have floor space but not pen space. I could very comfortably accommodate four piggies that were able to live within the same room. But I don't have space to house, for example, sows in the kitchen, etc. Or to have more than two pens in my lounge.

I need to give my lads more time and see how they get on with everything, instead of looking at pictures of beautiful sows and playing cupid on behalf of my boys, hehe x) :))
Haha. Sows can be tempting, but many people on here keep boars with no problems, and i have to say ive found that now mine are finally starting to beleive i dont want to eat them, they are getting nice and snuggly. :)
I would not think about breaking my boys up without necessity!

Spayed females are about as rare as gold in this country; spaying is a much more intrusive, risky and expensive operation compared to neutering, so rescues don't spay. Private people spay only for medical reasons (ovarian cysts, for instance) - and considering the cost and lelver of care needed, they are usually not the kind of owners whose piggies will end up in rescue!

The only rescue that spays is RNGP Welfare in Rugby; they depend on sows coming into rescue and do not have any neutering operations during the winter months. There is usually quite a waiting list of people with boars that are too old for neutering. http://www.rngp.org/

You will be surprised to hear that actually more boar pairs than not will make it past the stroppy months!

Here are more boar options: http://www.susieandpigs.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/optionsmenu.htm
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