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Piggy with cloudy eye


New Born Pup
Feb 25, 2022
Reaction score
Southampton, UK
Hi all,
my piggy has a slightly cloudy eye. she's a year old and very happy with no issues around the eye being touched. it's much more visible in bright light.

I noticed it was cloudy/dull about a month ago, and assumed it must be an early cataract, so sadly haven't looked it up until a family member (who's a doctor) got concerned about it.

I was wondering, is it possible that she could have hay poke even though there is no hay visible in her eye (I've had a very good look & always clean out their eyes every night) which has caused some kind of infection? or is it more likely to be a cataract?

either way, she's going to the vets in the next week or two to get it looked at. any idea what might be prescribed?

no photos because I don't really want to flash a light in her eye. she's the same old happy piggy, doesn't seem to be in any pain or discomfort and she hasn't been scratching or cleaning excessively etc, and the eye looks completely fine, no scratches, injuries etc, just a little cloudy and dull.

Hi all,
my piggy has a slightly cloudy eye. she's a year old and very happy with no issues around the eye being touched. it's much more visible in bright light.

I noticed it was cloudy/dull about a month ago, and assumed it must be an early cataract, so sadly haven't looked it up until a family member (who's a doctor) got concerned about it.

I was wondering, is it possible that she could have hay poke even though there is no hay visible in her eye (I've had a very good look & always clean out their eyes every night) which has caused some kind of infection? or is it more likely to be a cataract?

either way, she's going to the vets in the next week or two to get it looked at. any idea what might be prescribed?

no photos because I don't really want to flash a light in her eye. she's the same old happy piggy, doesn't seem to be in any pain or discomfort and she hasn't been scratching or cleaning excessively etc, and the eye looks completely fine, no scratches, injuries etc, just a little cloudy and dull.



Please see a vet for a hands-on examination. Unfortunately, we cannot tell you what you are dealing with speculating based on your own speculations but not confirm what is actually going on.
Welcome to the Forum.
It is nice to have you here.

Eye issues can be quite serious, and can deteriorate rapidly, so normally require urgent veterinary treatment.
But you say she has had this issue for a while?
In which case it definitely does need to be seen by a vet, as only a hands on examination can properly diagnose the problem.
She seems quite young for cataracts, so it would be good to hear what a vet has to say.

They will probably use eye drops to look for scratches or damage, and the if necessary prescribe treatment.
I will be honest and say I have never come across cataract in such a young piggy, but a hay poke or scotch would definitely worsen without treatment over a month.
So it would be interesting to know what a vet says.

Good luck and we are here to support you whatever the diagnosis.
Welcome to the Forum.
It is nice to have you here.

Eye issues can be quite serious, and can deteriorate rapidly, so normally require urgent veterinary treatment.
But you say she has had this issue for a while?
In which case it definitely does need to be seen by a vet, as only a hands on examination can properly diagnose the problem.
She seems quite young for cataracts, so it would be good to hear what a vet has to say.

They will probably use eye drops to look for scratches or damage, and the if necessary prescribe treatment.
I will be honest and say I have never come across cataract in such a young piggy, but a hay poke or scotch would definitely worsen without treatment over a month.
So it would be interesting to know what a vet says.

Good luck and we are here to support you whatever the diagnosis.
Hi, thanks for the information! It's good to hear that there's quite a bit a vet can do for treatment, so I feel more confident re getting Hoggy to the vet asap. I'll update this thread when she's been seen by a vet :)
@Wiebke @Swissgreys sorry for the late update - it's a cataract! she was a grumpy patient & grumbled at a dog for barking :) we're very glad she's fit and healthy & can get on with just being a guinea pig without any endangering eye worries for the foreseeable future!
@Wiebke @Swissgreys sorry for the late update - it's a cataract! she was a grumpy patient & grumbled at a dog for barking :) we're very glad she's fit and healthy & can get on with just being a guinea pig without any endangering eye worries for the foreseeable future!

Glad that it was not an eye injury. You may find that the other eye may also develop a cataract some weeks/months down the line. They often (but by no means always) do.

After the transition phase, piggies adapt well to loss if sight since it is their weakest sense (whereas it is our strongest). Just try to approach her from her sighted side if possible and train her to follow audible cues from you.