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Piggy Wee?

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New Born Pup
Feb 14, 2015
Reaction score
East Sussex, UK
Hi guys, it's me - the clueless one. Livi (our uber terrified piggy) Occasionally does this kind of milky looking liquid at the same time as she poos (or at least it looks milky-ish on our black kitchen floor). At first, I thought it was vomit until I witnessed her doing it. It seems to follow a bit of bickering with our other piggy, Piglet. Piglet then went and had a bit of a sniff/taste of this 'liquid'. Am I being completely stupid, and this is just what guinea wee looks like, or should I be worried?
Don't worry; it is just the piggy way of getting rid of excess calcium and nothing to panic over. You only need to worry if there is grit in the powdery calcium deposit. if you have lots of milky pees, you may want to consider cutting out calcium high veg like kale or spinach and to filter the water.
Phew! Thank fudgcicles for that! All sorts of things were going through my head. Thank you so much for putting my mind at rest. They have been having kale the last couple of days, so that would explain it.

Don't worry; it is just the piggy way of getting rid of excess calcium and nothing to panic over. You only need to worry if there is grit in the powdery calcium deposit. if you have lots of milky pees, you may want to consider cutting out calcium high veg like kale or spinach and to filter the water.
Well I've learned something already today!

I've often wondered about the milky patches that turn up every now and then.

I don't come into this part of the forum too much because I end up convinced everything under the sun is wrong with my guinea pigs.

But you also learn so much from other people's questions!
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