Piggy trances

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 15, 2010
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I've noticed Pumpkin quite often sits in one place and just stares into the distance, not moving when I call her name or wave my hand in front of her face...not until I poke her. The only way I can describe it is that she seems to go into some sort of trance. Is this normal behaviour? Do any other pigs do this? It's really weird and kind of worried me the first time but I'm just used to it now... odd pig rolleyes
She does it when she's drinking too though, or eating, she just stops and stares and just sort of...drifts off lol. Funny little girl.
She's probably sleeping- some piggies 'zone out' with their eyes open rather than closing their eyes to sleep. One of my pigs, Frenzy, had a bit of a nervous disposition... she was always very alert and she always slept with her eyes open- in her entire life, I never saw her sleep with her eyes shut but I would see that vacant stare periodically and knew that was her version of relaxing and dozing in her own wired way!
My cocoa does it when she's eating like she's contemplating the world :p
One of my piggies does that too . I was actually getting worried about him being a bit of a " space cadet " every now and then . It is like he is in a wee world of his own then zones back in . All the posts have put my mind at ease !
Yeah that's exactly what Pumpkin does, but she's not a spooky pig at all, and it was just odd how she would do it in the middle of having a drink or wandering about etc, just zone out for 5 seconds then come back to the real world. It's weird because she does literally do it for 5 seconds or so then zones back in. Funny thing.
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